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English-German translation for: could.
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Dictionary English German: could

Translation 1 - 50 of 232  >>

English German
VERB  - | could | - ... 
sb./sth. could [would be able]
jd./etw. könnte
sb. could [was able]
jd. konnte
[we/they/you] could [would be able]
[wir/sie/Sie] könnten
[we/they/you] could [were able]
[wir/sie/Sie] konnten
[you] could [would be able]
[du] könntest
[you] could [were able]
[du] konntest
[you] could [would be able]
[ihr] könntet
[you] could [were able] [said to two or more people]
[ihr] konntet
2 Words: Others
Could be!Mag sein!
sb. could havejd. hätte können
3 Words: Others
Could be worse.Halb so schlimm.
Could be worse.So la la. [ugs.] [Antwort auf "Wie geht's? / Wie war's?"]
comm. gastr. idiom Could I have ... ?Ich hätte gerne ...
sb. could do with sth. [get benefit from]etw. würde jdm. nicht schaden
sb./sth. could do with sth. [get benefit from]jd./etw. könnte etw. vertragen [ugs.]
sth. could be preventedetw. ist möglicherweise vermeidbar
That could be.Schon möglich.
4 Words: Others
... - what could be better!... - besser gehts / geht's nicht! [ugs.]
as best he could {adv}so gut er konnte
as best I could {adv}so gut ich konnte
as best they could {adv}so gut sie konnten
before he could say {adv}ehe er sagen konnte
Could have been worse.So la la. [ugs.] [Antwort auf "Wie geht's? / Wie war's?"]
Could it be true?Ist es wahr?
Could we meet again? [after a first date]Sehen wir uns noch einmal?
Could you postpone it?Könnten Sie das verschieben? [formelle Anrede]
Could you postpone it?Könntest du das verschieben?
He could be persuaded.Er lässt mit sich reden.
He could not compromise.Er konnte keine Zugeständnisse machen.
I could be lying.Ich könnte ja lügen.
idiom I could be wrong.Ich könnte mich irren.
I could care less. [Am.] [sl.] [nonstandard for: "I couldn't care less."]Ist mir völlig egal. [ugs.]
I could eat you.Ich könnte dich auffressen. [ugs.]
I could have cried.Ich hätte heulen können. [ugs.]
I could just cry!Ich könnte heulen! [ugs.]
idiom If looks could kill.Wenn Blicke töten könnten.
If pigs could fly. [idiom]Wenn Ostern und Pfingsten auf einen Tag fallen. [Redewendung]
If pigs could fly. [idiom]Wenn Ostern und Pfingsten auf einen Tag fällt. [Redewendung]
It could be worse.Das ist kein Beinbruch. [fig.]
It could become difficult.Es könnte schwierig werden.
Sorry, could not resist. <SCNR>Entschuldigung, konnte nicht widerstehen.
Who could bear this?Wer hält das schon aus?
Would that she could ... [literary: If only she could ...]Könnte sie doch nur ...
5+ Words: Others
... where else X could be [e.g. "I wonder ... than in the house."]... wo X sonst sein könnte [z. B. "Ich frage mich, ... als im Haus."]
(It) seemed the least we could do. [idiom]Das war doch das mindeste, was wir tun konnten.
[matters] that / which could not be solved[Dinge], die nicht gelöst werden konnten
A blind man could see that. [idiom]Ein Blinder könnte das sehen. [Redewendung]
A loud noise could be heard.Ein lautes Geräusch war zu hören.
Any number of things could go wrong.Alles Mögliche könnte schiefgehen. [ugs.]
Anyone could handle this machine.Jeder kann diese Maschine bedienen.
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Q 2025-01-11: 'We could be each others spark A guy like me is a fuse '
A 2024-05-02: more context? Could be "highly regarded / widely seen as a (powerful) symbol"
A 2024-03-11: The raisins did not make it worse, but could not salvage it.
Q 2024-01-02: Could you possibly ...?
A 2023-06-24: Could somebody ...
A 2023-03-16: First I thought "Rollmütze" could be a typo for "Wollmütze".
A 2023-01-22: One could sacrifice oneself to A for (the benefit of) B
A 2022-09-19: could it mean "to dispose of non-conforming goods" ??
Q 2022-05-05: What could "his No. 2" be?
A 2022-03-14: could be: to resort to (a means, a method, etc.), to deploy
A 2022-01-12: Machine translation and paywall. Daypass could be worth it.
A 2021-12-27: Trouter – could be the name of a pub
A 2021-12-22: Meaning 2 (verb): certainly not. Meaning 1 (verb): could happen.
A 2021-12-22: Thus, the hypothesis of affective factors leading to a better IVR performa...
A 2021-12-14: "Promising" could work here.
A 2021-10-18: @polarjud: how could accurately marking regional variation possibly nullify it?
A 2021-05-24: Basically the opposites could not be territorialized just as had at first ...
A 2021-02-17: @Windfall: If he is 31 already, one could say "knapp über 30".
A 2021-01-10: To do with Leiharbeiter? (That could just be Austrian)
A 2020-11-15: ... more than you could ever expect

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