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English-German translation for: counselling
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Dictionary English German: counselling

Translation 1 - 58 of 58

English German
VERB  to counsel | counselled/counseled | counselled/counseled [Br.+Am./Am. only]
counselling/counseling | counsels
SYNO   counsel | counseling | counselling ... 
counselling {adj} [Br.]
counselling {adj} {pres-p} [Br.]
counselling [esp. Br.]
Beratung {f} [bes. im sozialen Bereich]
counselling [Br.]
Therapie {f} [psychologische / soziale]
counselling [Br.]
Beratungsdienst {m}
psych. sociol. counselling [Br.]Lebenshilfe {f}
counselling [Br.] [social]soziale Beratung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
biol. psych. behaviour counselling [Br.] [esp. for dog owners]Verhaltensberatung {f} [bes. für Hundehalter]
jobs career counselling [Br.]Berufsberatung {f}
psych. conflict counselling [Br.]Konfliktberatung {f}
consumer counselling [Br.]Verbraucherberatung {f}
contraceptive counselling [Br.]Verhütungsberatung {f}
counselling centre [Br.]Beratungsstelle {f}
counselling interview [Br.]Beratungsgespräch {n}
counselling procedure [Br.]Beratungsverfahren {n}
counselling process [Br.]Beratungsprozess {m}
counselling purposes [Br.]Beratungszwecke {pl}
counselling service [Br.]Beratungsdienst {m}
counselling service [in the social field] [Br.]Beratungsdienstleistung {f} [im sozialen Bereich]
counselling session [Br.]Beratungsgespräch {n}
counselling session [Br.]Beratungssitzung {f}
counselling situation [Br.]Beratungssituation {f}
med. diabetes counselling [Br.]Diabetesberatung {f}
econ. economic counselling [Br.]Wirtschaftsberatung {f}
family counselling [Br.]Familienberatung {f}
med. genetic counselling [Br.]genetische Beratung {f}
med. genetic counselling [Br.]humangenetische Beratung {f}
psych. grief counselling [esp. Br.]Trauerbegleitung {f} [professionelle]
psych. group counselling [Br.]Gruppentherapie {f}
individual counselling [Br.]Einzelberatung {f}
fin. investment counselling [Br.]Anlageberatung {f}
lactation counselling [Br.]Laktationsberatung {f}
lactation counselling [Br.]Stillberatung {f}
life counselling [esp. Br.]Lebensberatung {f}
nutrition counselling [Br.]Ernährungsberatung {f}
jobs occupational counselling [Br.]Berufsberatung {f}
med. psych. patient counselling [Br.]Patientenberatung {f}
pol. policy counselling [Br.]Politikberatung {f} [Beratung der Politik]
med. psych. psychiatric counselling [Br.]psychiatrische Beratung {f}
relationship counselling [Br.]Partnerschaftsberatung {f}
sex counselling [Br.]Sexualberatung {f}
social counselling [Br.]Sozialberatung {f}
jobs student counselling [Br.]Studienberatung {f}
jobs vocational counselling [Br.]Berufsberatung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
AIDS counselling center [Am.]Aidsberatungsstelle {f}
AIDS counselling centre [Br.]Aidsberatungsstelle {f}
drugs drug-counselling service [esp. Br.]Drogenberatung {f}
drugs drug-counselling service [esp. Br.]Drogenberatungsdienst {m}
ecol. Eco Counselling Austria [Br.]Die Umweltberatung {f} [Österreich]
educ. sociol. family counselling centre [Br.]Familienberatungszentrum {n}
marriage (guidance) counselling [esp. Br.]Eheberatung {f}
peer counselling centre [Br.]Peer-Beratungsstelle {f}
process of counselling [Br.]Beratungsprozess {m}
social counselling centre [Br.]Sozialberatungsstelle {f}
telecom. telephone counselling service [Br.]Kummernummer {f} [ugs.]
youth counselling centre [Br.]Jugendberatungszentrum {n}
4 Words: Nouns
counselling for young people [Br.]Beratung {f} junger Leute
5+ Words: Nouns
law counselling on separation and divorce [Br.]Trennungs- und Scheidungsberatung {f}
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A 2024-10-20: 2x Wiki, in the UK +pavement counselling+
A 2013-09-11: Counselling Services?
A 2013-09-11: It means the range of facilities, counselling organisations etc.
A 2012-12-17: One week of premarital counselling isn't necessarily a course that lasts a week.
A 2012-12-13: I meant the second mention of premarital counselling - +If you are learnin...
A 2012-12-13: You haven't got +premarital+ counselling in the translation.
A 2012-11-20: counselling
A 2009-09-15: also possible: 'non-directive pregnancy counseling / counselling'
A 2008-11-28: looks like addiction counselling
A 2008-11-28: addiction counselling / counseling (US)
A 2008-07-15: doesn't sound like counselling to me...is it more an interview? consultation?
A 2008-07-15: UK spelling: +counselling+ session; text: one +cannot+ get
Q 2007-10-08: methodology of * counselling
A 2007-04-30: http://www.google.de/search?sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1B2GGGL_deD...
Q 2007-03-10: counselling techniques
A 2006-02-16: @jim...so you are saying (with my counselling hat on) that I work...
A 2006-02-07: PS counselling is between people...relationships

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counselling interview
counselling procedure
counselling process
counselling purposes
counselling service
counselling session
counselling situation

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