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Dictionary English German: countries

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NOUN   a country | countries
Länder {pl}
Staaten {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
to identify countriesLänder bezeichnen
2 Words: Nouns
econ. EU "in" countries <Ins>In-countries {pl} <Ins> [Länder, die die EU-Konvergenzkriterien erfüllen]
ABC countries [Argentina, Brazil, Chile]ABC-Staaten {pl}
acceding countriesBeitrittsländer {pl}
pol. accession countriesBeitrittsländer {pl}
pol. ACP countriesAKP-Staaten {pl}
adjoining countriesbenachbarte Staaten {pl}
affected countriesbetroffene Länder {pl}
geogr. Alpine countriesAlpenländer {pl}
geogr. Andean countriesAndenländer {pl}
applicant countriesBewerberländer {pl}
pol. Arab countriesarabische Staaten {pl}
geogr. Balkan countriesBalkanländer {pl}
geogr. pol. Baltic countriesbaltische Staaten {pl}
geogr. Baltic countries {pl}Baltikum {n}
Benelux countriesBeneluxländer {pl}
Benelux countriesBeneluxstaaten {pl}
geogr. border countriesGrenzländer {pl}
bordering countriesNachbarstaaten {pl}
geogr. pol. Caucasus countriesKaukasusländer {pl}
pol. CIS countriesGUS-Staaten {pl}
civilized countries [dated] [likely offensive in current use]Kulturländer {pl}
core countriesKernländer {pl}
DACH countries [Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH)]DACH-Länder {pl}
geogr. Danube countriesDonauanrainerstaaten {pl}
geogr. Danube countriesDonauländer {pl}
geogr. Danubian countriesDonauländer {pl}
econ. fin. debtor countriesSchuldenländer {pl}
debtor countriesSchuldnerländer {pl}
developed countriesentwickelte Länder {pl}
developed countrieswirtschaftsstarke Staaten {pl}
pol. developed countriesStaaten {pl} der Ersten Welt
developing countriesEntwicklungsländer {pl}
different countriesverschiedene Länder {pl}
curr. dollar countriesDollar-Länder {pl}
econ. pol. donor countriesGeberländer {pl}
econ. pol. EFTA countriesEFTA-Länder {pl}
econ. emergent countriesSchwellenländer {pl}
econ. emerging countriesSchwellenländer {pl}
emerging countriesnoch unterentwickelte Länder {pl}
Euro countriesEuroländer {pl}
European countrieseuropäische Länder {pl}
European countriesLänder {pl} Europas
eurozone countriesEuroländer {pl}
comm. econ. export countriesExportländer {pl}
comm. econ. exporting countriesAusfuhrländer {pl}
comm. econ. exporting countriesExportländer {pl}
foreign countriesfremde Länder {pl}
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Q 2020-10-28: exempt countries list = die "grüne" Liste der Länder?
A 2020-10-27: Doesn't technical terminology vary quite a bit among workmen / in differen...
A 2020-01-27: Maybe the German Wiki entry helps here. There's some useful hints about di...
A 2018-11-02: construction and assembly planning (the concept seems to prevail in German...
A 2018-10-24: ... and differing concepts even among English-speaking and German-speaking...
A 2018-10-24: The differentiation seems to apply to German-speaking countries only
A 2017-12-08: Comparative statistics — List of countries by firearm-related death rate
Q 2017-08-16: Textverständnis aus https://www.ego4u.de/de/read-on/countries/usa/life/pro...
A 2016-06-24: What happens if two countries use different units, but think they're using...
A 2016-05-12: All the links to ice saints show that it is an explanation of weather lore...
A 2016-04-04: In total area, where does China rank in the largest countries in the world?
Q 2016-01-17: World's most "livable" countries
A 2015-07-29: Not sure they have such things in German-speaking countries...
A 2015-06-18: you could explain that by way of the law systems in both countries (which ...
Q 2015-06-08: outreach countries
A 2015-04-13: And countries are always written with a capital letter.
A 2015-03-17: Netball is a very common school sport in English-speaking (Commonwealth) c...
Q 2015-03-06: Deutsche Welle - Something similiar in english speaking countries?
Q 2015-02-12: We have to twist arms when countries don't do what we need them to
A 2015-01-25: I didn't know there were that many countries with a high level of fluidity!

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