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Dictionary English German: country

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NOUN1   a country | countries
NOUN2   the country [countryside] | -
NOUN3   country [country music] | -
NOUN4   the country [outside urban areas] | -
SYNO   area | country | country | land ... 
country {adj} [attr.] [e.g. air, aristocrat, doctor, life, parson]
Land- [z. B. Luft, Adeliger, Arzt, Leben, Pfarrer]
country {adj} [attr.]
country {adj}
country {adj} [attr.] [e.g. abbreviation, code, ID, name, selection]
Länder- [z. B. Kennung, Code, Kennzahl, Name, Auswahl]
country {adj} [attr.] [e.g. boy, dance, wedding, furniture]
Bauern- [ländlich oder rustikal, z. B. Junge, Tanz, Hochzeit, Möbel]
country {adj} [attr.] [rural] [e.g. curate, pub, school]Dorf- [z. B. Pfarrer, Kneipe, Schule]
country1 [state, nation]
Land {n} [Staat, Nation]
pol. country1 [state or nation]
Staat {m}
country2 [scenery, countryside]
Gegend {f}
country2 [countryside, rural area]
Land {n} [ländliche Gegend]
geogr. country [terrain]
Gelände {n}
country [region (with regard to its physical features)]Land {n} [Landstrich, Gegend]
2 Words: Others
across country {adv}querfeldein
across country {adv}über Stock und Stein [Redewendung]
country-bred {adj}auf dem Lande aufgewachsen
country-bred {adj}auf dem Lande aufgezogen
country-dependent {adj}länderabhängig [z. B. Bestimmungen]
country-related {adj}länderbezogen
country-specific {adj}ländermäßig
country-specific {adj}länderspezifisch
country-specific {adj}landesspezifisch
country-specific {adj}landestypisch
country-style {adj}rustikal
country-style {adj} {adv}nach Bauernart [nachgestellt]
country-wide {adj} {adv}landesweit
country-wide {adj} [referring to federal states]bundesweit
cross country {adv}querfeldein
cross-country {adj}international
cross-country {adv}querfeldein
sports cross-country {adj}Querfeldein-
cross-country {adj}kreuz und quer durchs ganze Land
automot. cross-country {adj} [attr.] [vehicle]geländegängig
traffic travel cross-country {adj} [attr.] [bus, train, flight]Überland- [Bus, Zug, Flug]
sports cross-country {adj} <XC, CC> [attr.]Crosscountry- <XC, CC>
sports cross-country {adj} <XC, CC> [attr.]Cross-Country-
in-country {adj}im Inland
inter-country {adj}international
inter-country {adj}zwischenstaatlich
multi-country {adj} [attr.]über mehrere Länder [nachgestellt]
law pol. third country {adj} [attr.]aus Drittstaaten [nachgestellt]
up-country {adj} {adv}im Landesinneren
2 Words: Nouns
(country) lassMädchen {n} vom Land
(country) squireJunker {m}
(country) squireLandjunker {m}
pol. accession countryBeitrittsland {n}
adjoining countryangrenzendes Land {n}
adopted countryWahlheimat {f}
adoptive countryWahlheimat {f}
agrarian countryAgrarland {n}
agricultural countryAgrarland {n}
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A 2023-04-26: country specific
A 2023-04-26: Not sure what you mean by specify the country, but fixed the apostrophe.
Q 2023-04-26: The English side – you should specify the country. Also check the apostrophe.
A 2021-09-21: Hundred courts, country courts?
Q 2021-07-29: owing a small country
A 2021-05-22: the country is ablaze (with war, with political turmoil / issues, ... )
A 2020-12-20: " ... to walk for long distances in rough country. Also tramp it. ... "
A 2020-11-30: +Dolchstoßlegenden+ bode ill for whatever country they infest.
A 2020-10-27: Doesn't technical terminology vary quite a bit among workmen / in differen...
Q 2020-08-30: cross-country and foreign
A 2020-07-09: A country, city, town, village.... can have residents;
Q 2019-03-16: proverb - no two kings in a country
Q 2019-03-13: country shut down
Q 2019-02-15: to "outarm" a country
A 2019-01-27: LINX NB: In English, using +she / her+ implies the personification of a ci...
A 2019-01-07: mountain skiing <> cross-country skiing
Q 2018-08-23: another country heard from
A 2018-07-24: Depends on the country.
A 2018-04-01: Europe: Crime Index by Country 2018 \ Crime Index for Country 2018 (worldwide)
A 2018-01-05: +country house+ is dicey because it often stands for what is called +Schlo...

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