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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: counts.
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Dictionary English German: counts

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NOUN   a count | counts
VERB  to count | counted | counted
counting | counts
sb. counts
jd. zählt
Grafen {pl}
2 Words
sb. counts overjd. überzählt
med. stat. case countsFallzahlen {pl}
geogr. Counts IcefallCounts-Eisfall {m}
hist. counts palatinePfalzgrafen {pl}
portion countseinbehaltener Anteil {m}
3 Words
Every little counts.Es kommt auf jede Kleinigkeit an.
Every penny counts!Jeder Rappen zählt! [schweiz.]
on all counts {adv}in jeder Hinsicht
on both counts {adv}in beiderlei Hinsicht
on two counts {adv}in doppelter Hinsicht
on two counts {adv}in zweierlei Hinsicht
on two counts {adv}in zweifacher Hinsicht
unit counts per minute <c/m, c/min, cpm>Impulse {pl} pro Minute <Ipm, Imp./Min.>
unit counts per second <c/s, c/sec, cps>Impulse {pl} pro Sekunde <Ips, Imp./Sek.>
4 Words
Every little bit counts.Es kommt auf jede Kleinigkeit an.
law guilty on all counts {adj} [pred.]in allen Anklagepunkten schuldig
The first impression counts.Der erste Eindruck zählt.
5+ Words
... if that counts (for anything). [if that has any value / use (at all)]... falls das (überhaupt) (für) etwas zählt.
He still counts as a child.Er zählt noch als Kind.
It's the taking part that counts!Dabei sein ist alles! [Redewendung]
It's the thought that counts.Der gute Wille zählt.
It's the thought that counts.Der Wille steht fürs Werk.
None of that counts at all.Das zählt alles nicht.
law The accused was found guilty on all counts.Der Angeklagte wurde in allen Anklagepunkten für schuldig befunden.
law to be charged with two counts of sth.etw.Gen. in zwei Fällen angeklagt sein
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Q 2023-09-21: When did google hit counts disappear from search results?
Q 2019-01-17: X number of counts
A 2017-02-04: WHAT COUNTS FOR OUR USERS is whether or not the proposed transaltion is c...
Q 2016-02-18: What counts as a "verifiable source"? Does the absence of a linked Intern...
A 2015-10-12: ? counts towards ... \ +Sorry, must dash now.+
A 2015-10-06: What counts is semantic and syntactic plausibility, not an arbitrary numbe...
A 2015-09-18: As the message is not worth mentioning, I think the insipidity of the sent...
A 2014-06-16: What counts is not numbers but precise thinking!
A 2014-04-07: service time that qualifies as? or counts toward...?
A 2014-01-05: Beware of ghit counts.
A 2012-09-23: In regard to relations between business partners, interest counts as expen...
A 2011-04-19: NN company counts among the best
A 2011-03-21: What counts is only what you can count
A 2010-11-12: date of receipt (of mail / letter) counts
Q 2010-11-04: Anklagepunkt: "counts of supply"
Q 2010-07-29: I had 4 counts of blood transferred
A 2010-07-27: any part of a month counts as a full month
A 2010-04-30: It's the nose that counts.
A 2010-04-15: Ecology counts
A 2010-04-15: ecology - count on it: it counts more

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