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English-German translation for: couple's house
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Dictionary English German: couple's house

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Partial Matches
We could stop off at the King's Head, that's a halfway house.Wir können im "King's Head" einkehren, das liegt auf halbem Wege.
captain's houseKapitänshaus {n}
toys doll's housePuppenhaus {n}
toys doll's housePuppenstube {f}
executioner's houseScharfrichterhaus {n}
fisherman's houseFischerhaus {n}
for. forester's houseForsthaus {n}
archi. ethn. men's houseMännerhaus {n}
archi. comm. merchant's houseKaufmannshaus {n}
rail signalman's houseBahnwärterhaus {n}
hist. tanner's houseGerberhaus {n}
relig. Lord's houseGotteshaus {n} [christlich]
ethn. women's houseFrauenhaus {n} [Ethnologie]
insur. house owner's policyHauseigentümerversicherung {f}
sports marksmen's club houseSchützenhaus {n}
father's houseVaterhaus {n} [geh.] [veraltend]
archi. vintner's houseWeinhauerhaus {n} [südd.] [österr.]
at one's private house {adv}daheim
banker's clearing houseVerrechnungsstelle {f} der Banken
my house's valuationWertschätzung {f} meines Hauses
hist. League of God's HouseGotteshausbund {m} [schweiz.]
zool. T
at sb.'s house {adv}bei jdm. zu Hause
film F A Doll's House [Patrick Garland]Ein Puppenheim
zool. T
zool. T
market. house-to-house advertisingWerbung {f} von Haus zu Haus
house-to-house searchHaussuchung {f} [in mehreren Häusern]
house-to-house searchDurchsuchung {f} der Häuser
archi. art (Munich's) House of Art(Münchner) Haus {n} der Kunst
delivery to one's houseAnlieferung {f} an das Haus
zool. T
RadioTV F House [also: House, M.D.]Dr. House
RadioTV F House, M.D. / HouseDr. House
to let sb. into one's housejdn. ins Haus einlassen
idiom to put one's house in ordersein Haus bestellen [geh.]
idiom to set one's house in ordersein Haus bestellen [geh.]
lit. theatre F A Doll's House [Henrik Ibsen]Nora oder Ein Puppenheim
film F O. Henry's Full HouseFünf Perlen / [früher:] Vier Perlen
lit. F The Professor's House [Willa Cather]Das Haus des Professors
constr. to extend one's houseanbauen [sein Haus durch einen Anbau erweitern]
gastr. It's on the house. [idiom]Das geht aufs Haus. [Redewendung]
to receive sb. at one's housejdn. in seinem Haus empfangen
pol. U.S. House Committee on the JudiciaryJustizausschuss {m} des Repräsentantenhauses [USA]
mus. house musicHouse {m} [elektron. Tanzmusik]
house-to-house canvassHaustüraktion {f}
house-to-house collectionHaussammlung {f}
comm. house-to-house distributionDirektvertrieb {m}
mil. house-to-house fightingHäuserkampf {m}
comm. house-to-house sellingHaustürverkauf {m}
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