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English-German translation for: courtyard
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Dictionary English German: courtyard

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

English German
NOUN   a courtyard | courtyards
SYNO   court | courtyard
archi. courtyard
Hof {m} [Innenhof]
Vorplatz {m}
Hofraum {m}
archi. courtyard
Wohnhof {m}
courtyardbefestigter Hof {m}
2 Words: Nouns
archi. abbey courtyardKlosterhof {m}
archi. RealEst. back courtyardHinterhof {m}
archi. Belvedere Courtyard [Cortile del Belvedere]Belvederehof {m}
archi. castle courtyard [of a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period]Burghof {m}
archi. castle courtyard [palace courtyard]Schlosshof {m}
archi. relig. cloister courtyardKlosterinnenhof {m}
archi. relig. cloistered courtyardKlosterhof {m} mit Kreuzgang
archi. relig. convent courtyardKlosterinnenhof {m} [Frauenkloster]
gastr. courtyard caféHofcafé {n}
archi. courtyard doorHoftür {f}
courtyard festivalHoffest {n}
hort. courtyard gardenHofgarten {m}
archi. hort. courtyard gardenZierhof {m}
archi. courtyard houseHofhaus {n} [Haus mit umbautem Innenhof]
archi. courtyard housesHofhäuser {pl} [Häuser mit umbautem Innenhof]
courtyard mosqueHofmoschee {f}
courtyard wallHofmauer {f}
archi. hort. garden courtyardGartenhof {m}
grassed courtyardbegrünter Innenhof {m}
archi. inner courtyardInnenhof {m}
archi. constr. interior courtyardInnenhof {m}
archi. main courtyardHaupthof {m}
archi. main courtyard [of a palace]Ehrenhof {m} [Empfangshof eines Schlosses]
archi. monastery courtyardKlosterhof {m}
archi. relig. monastery courtyardKlosterinnenhof {m} [Männerkloster]
archi. north courtyardNordhof {m}
archi. palace courtyardSchlosshof {m}
prison courtyardGefängnishof {m}
archi. south courtyardSüdhof {m}
3 Words: Nouns
archi. four-sided courtyardVierseithof {m}
4 Words: Verbs
to assemble in the courtyardsich im Hof versammeln
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A 2020-12-20: courtyard farm
A 2015-03-18: the courtyard has got a few steps ....
A 2010-04-27: like a courtyard ... ?! .... which/whatever you like best ....
A 2010-01-28: As far as I know there is no expression. You'd simply say "using the stair...
A 2009-07-17: ? muffled sounds are audible/can be heard from the courtyard
A 2009-06-28: always "in the courtyard"
A 2009-06-28: beim googeln findet man meist "in the courtyard"
A 2009-06-28: courtyard
Q 2009-06-28: courtyard
A 2009-03-24: courtyard of the Amthof (und dann kurz erklären, was Amthof ist oder war)
A 2009-01-19: Danke, mwk, ja ich meine den city courtyard, den grauslichen. Es gibt aber...
A 2007-03-01: A large courtyard with a boundary to the Rhine

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