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English-German translation for: cracks
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Dictionary English German: cracks

Translation 1 - 21 of 21

English German
NOUN   a crack | cracks
VERB  to crack | cracked | cracked
cracking | cracks
NOUN   der Crack | die Cracks
sb. cracks
jd. knackt
sth. cracks [noise]
etw. kracht
Ritzen {pl}
2 Words
material tech. to form cracksRisse bilden / bekommen
engin. heat cracksWärmerisse {pl}
material micro-cracksMikrorisse {pl}
ozone cracksOzonrisse {pl}
material thermal cracksthermische Risse {pl}
constr. wall cracksMauerrisse {pl}
3 Words
free of cracks {adj} [postpos.]rissfrei
with vertical cracks {adj} [postpos.]längsrissig
formation of cracksRissbildung {f}
4 Words
idiom It cracks me up. [coll.]Es macht mich fertig. [ugs.]
She cracks her knuckles.Sie lässt die Knöchel knacken.
idiom to fall between the crackszwischen den Stühlen sitzen
to fall through the cracks [fig.]durch das Raster fallen [fig.]
to paper over the cracks [fig.]die Risse übertünchen
to paper over the cracks [fig.] [to conceal errors]die Fehler vertuschen
dent. simulation of enamel cracksSimulation {f} von Schmelzsprüngen
5+ Words
med. Type 3: Like a sausage but with cracks on its surface [Bristol Stool Chart / Scale]Typ 3: Wurstartig mit rissiger Oberfläche [Bristol-Stuhlformen-Skala]
to fall / slip through the cracks [Am.] [idiom]durch die Maschen schlüpfen [Redewendung]
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Q 2016-02-25: cracks
Q 2015-02-26: Legal cracks needed...
Q 2013-04-09: Don't get your cane caught in the cracks
A 2013-03-21: Wenn ich ne Sendung sehe, die von echten Cracks gemacht ist,
Q 2012-05-10: falling throught the cracks of (versus) function in society
A 2009-08-18: Papering over the cracks.
A 2009-05-15: cracks in the pavement.
A 2007-09-26: Adults who habitually avoid stepping on pavement cracks tend to suffer fro...
A 2007-08-16: the voice becomes very high before it cracks or breaks or snaps ...
A 2007-08-13: cracks
A 2006-11-24: not the 'cracks' but the columns of the newspaper :-)
Q 2006-11-20: to fall through the cracks?
A 2006-11-02: fatigue cracks
A 2006-11-02: "bending cracks" googles .....
A 2006-11-02: bending cracks
A 2006-10-05: http://images.google.de/images?svnum=10&hl=de&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=radial+c...
A 2005-07-12: When a sausage cracks / snaps / pops
Q 2004-01-09: Unklarer Begriff "bottom or edge cracks" (Papier-/bzw. Druckmaschinen)

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