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English-German translation for: cram oneself into sth.
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Dictionary English German: cram oneself into sth

Translation 1 - 50 of 44025  >>

Keywords contained
to cram oneself into sth.sichAkk. in etw.Akk. quetschen
Partial Matches
to cram sth. into sth.etw.Akk. in etw.Akk. hineinpferchen
to cram intohineinzwängen in
to edge oneself into sth.sich in etw. hineindrängen
to fling oneself into sth.sich in etw. stürzen [Wasser, Vergnügen etc.]
to get oneself into sth.sichAkk. auf etw.Akk. einlassen
to hurl oneself into sth.sich in etw. stürzen
to insinuate oneself into sth.sichAkk. (geschickt) in etw.Akk. einschleichen [z. B. in Gruppe, Position]
to squash oneself into sth.sich in etw. hineinzwängen
to sink (oneself) into sth. [fig.] [e.g. a book]sichAkk. in etw.Akk. vertiefen [fig.] [z. B. ein Buch]
to work oneself up into a lather (about sth.) [coll.]sich (über etw.) aufregen
to squeeze oneself into sth. [e.g. into a pair of jeans]sich in etw. hineinzwängen [z. B. in eine Hose]
to let oneself get talked into taking / buying sth. (off sb.) [coll.]sichDat. (von jdm.) etw. aufschwatzen lassen [ugs.]
to cram sth.(sichDat.) etw.Akk. einpauken [ugs.]
Unverified to cram (for) sth.etw.Akk. durchpauken [ugs.]
to cram ((for) sth.) [coll.]((für) etw.Akk.) pauken [ugs.] [intensiv lernen]
to shrink into oneselfsich in sich selbst zurückziehen
to withdraw into oneselfsich in sein Inneres verkriechen
psych. to be withdrawn (into oneself)in sich gekehrt sein
to bluster oneself into angersich in Wut versetzen
to drink oneself into oblivionsich sinnlos betrinken
to hurl oneself into adventuressichAkk. in Abenteuer stürzen
to plunge oneself into debtssich in Schulden stürzen
to pour oneself into worksich in die Arbeit stürzen [aus Begeisterung oder um zu vergessen]
to talk oneself into troublesichAkk. um Kopf und Kragen reden [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to throw oneself into dangersichAkk. einer Gefahr entgegenwerfen
to withdraw back into oneselfsich in sich zurückziehen
to drink oneself into oblivion [idiom]sichAkk. bis zur Besinnungslosigkeit betrinken [Redewendung]
to get oneself into shape [fig.]sich in Form bringen [fig.]
to drink oneself into a stuporsichAkk. bis zur Besinnungslosigkeit betrinken
to drink oneself into a stuporsich sinnlos besaufen [ugs.]
to drink oneself into a stuporsich sinnlos betrinken
jobs to go into business for oneselfsichAkk. selbständig machen [Rsv.]
jobs to go into business for oneselfsichAkk. selbstständig machen
to inject oneself into the debatesichAkk. in die Debatte einbringen
to put some life into oneselfseine Lebensgeister wecken
to raise oneself into the airsich in die Lüfte erheben
to run oneself into a mattersich in eine Sache stürzen
to talk oneself into a furysich in Zorn / Wut reden
to talk oneself into a ragesich in Rage reden
to throw oneself into a posesich in Positur werfen
idiom to throw oneself into the breachsich in die Bresche werfen
to work oneself into the groundsich aufreiben [z. B. durch Arbeit]
idiom to insinuate oneself into sb.'s confidencesichDat. jds. Vertrauen erschleichen [pej.]
to intrude oneself into sb.'s affairssich in jds. Angelegenheiten einmischen
to throw oneself into it [fig.] [coll.]sich voll reinhängen [fig.] [ugs.]
idiom to paint oneself into a corner [coll.]sich in die Klemme bringen [ugs.]
to throw oneself into the fray [idiom]sichAkk. ins Getümmel stürzen [in den Kampf] [Redewendung]
to twist oneself into a pretzel [fig.]sichAkk. verbiegen [fig.]
to work oneself up into a frenzysich in eine Raserei hineinsteigern
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