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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: crashing
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Dictionary English German: crashing

Translation 1 - 10 of 10

English German
VERB  to crash | crashed | crashed
crashing | crashes
SYNO   bally | blinking | bloody ... 
crashing {adj} {pres-p}
crashing {adj} {pres-p}
crashing {adj}
2 Words
crashing intoanprallend
crashing bore [Br.] [coll.]furchtbarer Langweiler {m}
3 Words
to come crashing downherabstürzen
to come crashing downniederdonnern
5+ Words
idiom It all came crashing down about his ears. [fig.]Um ihn herum brach alles zusammen. [fig.]
It all came crashing down around his ears. [fig.]Um ihn herum brach alles zusammen.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Crashing Upwards [S.C. Wynne]Absturz nach oben
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Q 2023-05-01: Crashing into spring 2023?
Q 2018-05-17: Android app has been crashing for years
A 2017-08-15: ~ deluge crashing in \ Hereinbrechen der Sintflut (= der allgemeinen Flut)
Q 2016-10-30: about plane crashing in Cleveland
A 2013-10-19: OK - here we go ...... sorry, I was too quick with delete. PC, internet c...
A 2013-09-13: crashing big time
A 2013-09-13: crashing
Q 2013-09-13: crashing big time?
A 2011-06-19: crashing > Rechner zum Absturz bringen
A 2011-03-15: A "crashing patient" is a patient who will die unless immediate measures ...
A 2011-03-15: crashing
Q 2009-02-27: come crashing down
A 2009-02-16: Besides, it would sound very silly to wish upon a crashing airplane.
A 2009-02-13: +Rawlplugs+ are very good for testing wall strengths. Even if the wall com...
Q 2008-11-09: no,i'm not crashing here.
A 2008-06-25: As a consequence of the title defender, Mexico, crashing out early in the ...
A 2008-03-16: you think this is something new? used to be gate-crashing..
A 2006-07-29: PC keeps crashing? Viruses? Faulty installation? Why don't you get in touc...
Q 2003-11-19: Our world came crashing to the ground.

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• Crashing
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Crashing Upwards
crash in on sb.
crash in on sb./sth.
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crash into sb.
crash into sb./sth.
crash into sth.

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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