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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: creates
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Dictionary English German: creates

Translation 1 - 5 of 5

English German
VERB  to create | created | created
creating | creates
sb./sth. creates
jd./etw. erzeugt
sb./sth. creates
jd./etw. schafft
sb. creates
jd. erschafft
proverb Passion creates suffering.Die Leidenschaft schafft Leiden.
lit. F The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language [Steven Pinker]Der Sprachinstinkt. Wie der Geist die Sprache bildet.
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A 2023-05-02: Längst Realität: AI creates Beatles songs
A 2017-08-09: H.D. Th.'s wide open eyes looking like the mainland, the narrow slit left ...
A 2016-06-21: knowledge creates future
Q 2012-08-27: it calls for and creates
A 2012-07-23: I always wonder why none of the hacker guys creates a virus
A 2011-06-03: He writes, produces and creates
A 2011-04-21: word creates tribe / word power tribe / word creates stem
A 2011-03-16: "The Wave" - Kein Komma vor "the experiment creates" - und irgendwie finde...
A 2010-07-12: Probably "convergence", from "convergence zone" which creates a sea-breez...
A 2009-08-27: I think I am asking too many questions, every question I ask creates a new...
A 2009-06-15: Through his choice of words the author creates a pensive, sad atmosphere.
A 2009-06-14: The author creates a ...
A 2008-12-19: Anyone who creates additional workplaces needs plans ...
A 2008-11-15: With ten-person team, inadequate indoor climate creates avoidable costs of...
A 2008-08-26: My try: She creates a cheerful mood.
A 2008-06-30: Variant: Any non-compliance shall create / creates liability for damages
A 2007-05-25: creates/gives confidence (in das Produkt) / trust (in den Hersteller)
A 2007-04-03: Are the associations that the painting/ piece/sculpture/whatever creates, ...
A 2006-11-24: It creates a stage setting, with which they are familiar.
A 2006-10-13: ? And which creates airy spaces.

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• Creates
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create space
create sth.
create the impression that
create the prerequisites
create trouble for sb.
create trust
create underground tunnels

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