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English-German translation for: creating
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Dictionary English German: creating

Translation 1 - 17 of 17

English German
ADJ   creating | - | -
NOUN   creating | -
VERB  to create | created | created
creating | creates
creating {adj} {pres-p}
creating {adj} {pres-p}
erzeugend [kreierend]
creating {adj} {pres-p}
creating {adj} {pres-p}
schaffend [hervorbringend]
comp. creating
Einrichten {n} [Verzeichnisse, Projekte]
Schaffung {f}
2 Words
asset-creating {adj}vermögenswirksam
job-creating {adj}beschäftigungswirksam
re-creating {adj}neugestaltend
self-creating {adj} {pres-p}selbsterschaffend
econ. fin. value-creating {adj}wertschaffend
wealth-creating {adj}vermögensbildend
jobs creating jobsSchaffen {n} von Arbeitsplätzen
3 Words
creating a sensationaufwirbelnd
non-asset-creating {adj}nicht vermögensbildend
econ. jobs pol. job-creating measuresArbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahmen {pl} <ABM>
econ. jobs pol. job-creating measuresABM-Maßnahmen {pl} [ugs.]
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A 2017-10-29: I can only admire you as you succeed in creating such incredibly challeng...
A 2016-12-03: Instead, mamma is dressed in a long-sleeved Russian blouse embroidered wit...
A 2015-02-25: 12:29 PS: Thirdly, police killing Islamists means creating so-called marty...
A 2014-06-30: Creating a charitable foundation for estate management
A 2014-05-02: You mean in the sense of creating the pipeline
A 2013-02-14: By creating a new entry -
Q 2012-10-21: creating and performing plays
Q 2012-07-27: "creating monotypes"
Q 2012-07-17: creating a vision
Q 2012-03-26: creating the vision
A 2011-04-03: creating a budget position for funds benefitting third parties
A 2010-01-12: creating a tunnelling effect - Thanks, dannyw!
A 2010-01-04: So one can / In that way you can ... painting knife thus creating clouds,...
Q 2009-10-30: sein eigenes Kulturschaffen = 'its own art creating' or '..way of creating...
A 2009-08-28: creating a peculiar awareness of their own for social and cultural issues
A 2009-04-28: Achim is too busy creating new proverbs
A 2009-03-17: Our approach aims at creating the greatest common benefit
A 2009-01-26: creating stained glass windows - Bleiverglasung
A 2008-08-15: Artist X, who relates a concept of art as an event to creating structured...
A 2008-08-04: ..... is creating ..... ??

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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