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English-German translation for: creativity
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Dictionary English German: creativity

Translation 1 - 16 of 16

English German
NOUN   creativity | -
SYNO   creative thinking | creativeness ... 
Kreativität {f}
Einfallsreichtum {m}
creativity [creative work]
Schaffen {n}
Schöpfungskraft {f}
Schaffenskraft {f}
Schöpferkraft {f}
creativitySchöpfertum {n}
creativityschöpferische Begabung {f}
2 Words
psych. creativity boostKreativitätsschub {m}
art engin. creativity processKreativitätsprozess {m}
creativity techniqueKreativitätstechnik {f}
psych. creativity therapyKreativitätstherapie {f}
3 Words
psych. boost of creativityKreativitätsschub {m}
art engin. process of creativityKreativitätsprozess {m}
5+ Words
at the height of his / her creativity {adv}im besten Schaffensalter [auf der Höhe seiner / ihrer Schaffenskraft]
at the height of his / her creativity {adv}auf der Höhe seiner / ihrer Schaffenskraft
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Q 2023-05-02: AI --- creativity unlimited?
A 2014-08-11: The pinciple of creativity as seen in international drug trafficking ...
Q 2013-09-26: kreativer Höhenflug - high-flying creativity ?
Q 2011-12-03: throws of creativity
A 2011-11-02: Oliver, your text is fine; I admire your creativity.
A 2010-06-21: The possibilities you have to design an event are countless - there is spa...
A 2009-12-18: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22give+free+rein+to+*+c...
A 2009-08-23: "Vision", without an article, means the creativity, the ability to envisio...
A 2009-05-07: Alternatively: 'factory of creativity'/'creativity factory'
A 2009-02-18: stands out due to both her interest in the subject matter and her creativi...
A 2009-01-17: I think a little more creativity is needed...
A 2009-01-04: +their+ creativity is fully tapped
Q 2008-04-14: asking for your creativity (or good theasauri): *involved in*
A 2008-02-24: By golly, would you give me some of your creativity, Riddle? :-))
A 2007-12-04: entrepreneurial creativity ?
A 2007-10-02: maybe then: right at the beating heart of creativity / of creative Berlin
A 2007-08-02: You can ** your creativity and *** your expertise. Choose the combination ...
A 2007-08-02: you can flaunt your creativity and show off your experience
A 2007-08-02: Let your creativity and expertise come into play / let loose your etc
A 2007-03-30: Since it is the very nature of creativity to always create new/different things.

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creativity technique
creativity therapy
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