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English-German translation for: creatures
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Dictionary English German: creatures

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NOUN   a creature | creatures
Geschöpfe {pl}
Lebewesen {pl}
Viecher {pl} [ugs.]
zool. creatures {pl}
Getier {n} [Kleintiere und Insekten]
2 Words
biol. composite creaturesMischwesen {pl}
deadly creatureslebensgefährliche Kreaturen {pl}
biol. freshwater creaturesSüßwasserlebewesen {pl}
zool. marine creaturesMeerestiere {pl}
useful creaturesNützlinge {pl}
woodland creaturesWaldkreaturen {pl}
3 Words
creatures of habitGewohnheitsmenschen {pl}
creatures of habitGewohnheitstiere {pl}
creatures of natureNaturwesen {pl}
zool. warm-blooded creaturesWarmblüter {pl}
zool. warm-blooded creaturesWarmblütler {pl} [selten] [Warmblüter]
5+ Words
proverb We're all creatures of habit.Der Mensch ist ein Gewohnheitstier.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. RadioTV F All Creatures Great and Small [books: James Herriot]Der Doktor und das liebe Vieh
film F Beautiful Creatures [Bill Eagles]Beautiful Creatures
film F Fierce Creatures [Fred Schepisi, Robert Young]Wilde Kreaturen
mus. F The Creatures of Prometheus [op. 43]Die Geschöpfe des Prometheus [Ludwig van Beethoven]
film F The Creeps [Charles Band]Evil Creatures - Die unglaublichen Untoten
film lit. F care of magical creatures [Harry Potter]Pflege {f} magischer Geschöpfe
film lit. F Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures [Harry Potter]Ausschuss {m} für die Beseitigung gefährlicher Geschöpfe
film lit. F Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures [Harry Potter]Abteilung {f} zur Führung und Aufsicht Magischer Geschöpfe
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A 2015-10-19: ... and our fellow creatures not to be outdone?
A 2015-09-16: She holds all the creatures stirring on earth in a faithful embrace
A 2015-09-15: freely: She holds in loving embrace all creatures who stir upon the earth.
A 2013-06-22: It depends. How do you relate to the creatures?
A 2011-12-25: Wild creatures
A 2011-12-25: Creatures of the night
A 2011-04-26: Wherever I am, I always click my tongue to cats, dogs, ducks, you name the...
A 2010-01-19: I don't think it's rude at all. Calls to mind a warm rapport with our mena...
A 2008-11-16: imho *Getier* is more sth. like *creepy crawlies* or, as kalinka said, *cr...
A 2007-06-05: ??? Where our fellow creatures feel good
Q 2006-07-10: Martian people - non-describable fictional living creatures
A 2006-05-07: It could either "Waldpygmäe" really mean or some little creatures whos liv...

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