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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: cries of astonishment
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Dictionary English German: cries of astonishment

Translation 1 - 50 of 64455  >>

NOUN   a cry of astonishment | cries of astonishment
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Partial Matches
cries {pl} of joyFreudengeschrei {n}
cries {pl} of seagullsMöwengeschrei {n}
cries {pl} of victorySiegesgeschrei {n}
cries of dismaySchreckensschreie {pl}
cries of joyJubelschreie {pl}
cries of loveLiebesschreie {pl}
cries of painSchmerzensschreie {pl}
cries of pleasureLustschreie {pl}
cries of victorySiegesschreie {pl}
look of astonishmenterstaunter Blick {m}
look of astonishmentüberraschter Blick {m}
cries {pl} of woe [literary]Wehgeschrei {n}
cries of naysayersUnkenrufe {pl} [fig.]
cry of astonishmentAufschrei {m} der Verwunderung
cry of astonishmentAusruf {m} des Erstaunens
astonishmentErstaunen {n}
astonishmentStaunen {n}
astonishmentÜberraschung {f}
astonishmentVerwunderung {f}
in astonishment {adv}entgeistert
in astonishment {adv}erstaunt
in astonishment {adv}verblüfft
in astonishment {adv}verwundert
criesAusrufe {pl}
criesSchreie {pl}
cries {pl}Geschrei {n}
in astonishment {adv}mit Erstaunen
to cause astonishmentErstaunen verursachen
blank astonishmentsprachloses Erstaunen {n}
battle criesKampfrufe {pl}
death criesTodesschreie {pl}
plaintive cries {pl}Klagegeschrei {n}
hist. mil. war cries {pl}Kriegsgeschrei {n}
to general astonishment {adv}zum allgemeinen Erstaunen
sb. criesjd. schreit
cries for helpHilferufe {pl}
to sb.'s astonishment {adv}zu jds. Erstaunen
to sb.'s astonishment {adv}zu jds. Verwunderung
to laugh until one criesTränen lachen
To my utter astonishment ...Zu meinem größten Erstaunen ...
film F Cries and Whispers [Ingmar Bergman]Schreie und Flüstern
to shake one's head in astonishmentverwundert den Kopf schütteln
relig. sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance [peccatum clamans]himmelschreiende Sünde {f}
hist. head-of-state council of the GDRStaatsrat {m}
law Lord of Appealrichterliches Mitglied {n} des House of Lords [kein oberster Revisionsrichter]
acc. sum-of-the-year's digit method of depreciationarithmetisch-degressive Abschreibung {f}
law Lord of Appeal in Ordinaryrichterliches Mitglied {n} des House of Lords [oberster Revisionsrichter]
electr. QM tech. disposal of end-of-life electrical and electronic appliancesEntsorgung {f} von Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräten
acc. pooling-of-interest method [also: pooling-of-interests method]Pooling-of-Interests-Methode {f}
law Lords of Appeal in Ordinaryrichterliche Mitglieder {pl} des House of Lords [oberste Revisionsrichter]
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