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English-German translation for: cross-cut
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Dictionary English German: cross cut

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NOUN   a cross-cut | cross-cuts
SEE ALSO  crosscut
med. cross-cutQuerhieb {m}
mining cross-cutQuerschlag {m}
med. cross-cut burQuerhiebbohrer {m}
tools cross-cut sawQuerschnittsäge {f}
cross-cut woodHirnholz {n}
tools cross-cut chisel [Br.]Kreuzmeißel {m}
tech. (toothing with) cross-cutKreuzverzahnung {f}
framed cross-cut sawStrecksäge {f}
material tech. cross-cut testGitterschnittprüfung {f} [auch Gitterschnitt]
material tech. cross-cut testGitterschnitttest {m} [auch Gitterschnitt]
constr. cross-cut wooden floorHirnholzparkett {n} [Fußboden]
dent. design with precision toothing and cross-cut for excavatingschnittfreudige Verzahnung {f} mit Querhieb zum Exkavieren
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
Partial Matches
comp. cross debuggerCross-Fehlersuchprogramm {n} [selten]
sports cross-countryCross {m} [Cross-Country]
constr. (Hardy) Cross methodCross-Verfahren {n}
film Cut! [film director jargon]Cut!
sports cross [boxing]Cross {m} [Boxen]
bike sports cross bicycleCross-Rennrad {n}
bike sports cross bikeCross-Rennrad {n}
bike sports cross cycleCross-Rennrad {n}
med. cutCut {m} [Schnittwunde, Hautriss]
film F Cut [Kimble Rendall]Cut
fish T
mus. cross-note tuning [open minor tuning for guitar]Cross-Note-Tuning {n} [offene Moll-Stimmung für Gitarre]
to make the cut for sth. [coll.] [person or team] [meet a certain standard or requirement]den Cut überstehen [selten] [sich für etwas qualifizieren]
sports cross-country {adj} <XC, CC> [attr.]Cross-Country-
tech. four-way cross <4-way cross>Kreuzstück {n}
psych. cutoff / cut-off valueCut-off-Wert {m}
orn. T
med. Cross syndrome [short for: Cross-McKusick-Breen syndrome]Cross-Syndrom {n} [kurz für: Cross-McKusick-Breen-Syndrom]
mus. cross stick [drum technique]Cross Stick {m}
sports cross trainer [gym equipment]Cross-Trainer {m}
sports cross triathlonCross-Triathlon {n} [auch: Crosstriathlon]
lit. cross-reading [also: crossreading]Cross-Reading {n}
spec. tech. telecom. cross-talking [also: crosstalking]Cross-Talking {n}
med. pharm. cross-over studyCross-over-Studie {f}
dance mus. cross-step waltzCross-Step-Walzer {m}
bike sports cross-country cycling <XC cycling> [variety of mountain biking]Cross-Country {n} <XC, CC> [Mountainbike-Disziplin]
spec. cut-off scoreCut-off-Wert {m}
mus. cross harp [blues harmonica]Cross Harp {f} [Blues-Mundharmonika]
Internet cross-site request forgery <CSRF, XSRF> [acronym CSRF pronounced "sea-surf"]Cross-Site-Request-Forgery {f} <CSRF, XSRF> [etwa: Website-übergreifende Anfragenfälschung]
psych. cross-pressure (situation)Cross-Pressure-Situation {f} [Normenkonflikt]
zool. T
cross {adj}quer
cross {adj}schief
cross {adj}unfügsam
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A 2004-09-13: cross cut

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