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English-German translation for: crowd around sb.
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Dictionary English German: crowd around sb

Translation 1 - 50 of 36777  >>

Keywords contained
to crowd around sb.jdn. umdrängen
Partial Matches
to crowd aroundsich drängen um
to crowd sb.jdm. auf die Pelle rücken [ugs.] [Redewendung] [zu dicht an jdn. heranrücken]
to crowd sb. [also fig.]jdn. bedrängen [auch fig.]
to crowd round sb./sth.sichAkk. um jdn./etw. scharen
to distinguish sb. among the crowdjdn. in der Menge ausfindig machen
to raise a crowd against sb.eine Menge gegen jdn. aufwiegeln
sb./sth. is an albatross around sb.'s neck [idiom]jd./etw. ist ein Mühlstein an jds. Hals [Redewendung]
when sb. rode around / round sb./sth.als jd. jdn./etw. umritt [reitend umrundete, jdm./etw. reitend auswich]
to steer sb./sth. around sb./sth.jdn./etw. um jdn./etw. herumlenken
when sb. draped sth. around sb.als jd. jdm. etw. überhängte
around sb./sth. {adv}um jdn./etw. herum
sb. fossicked aroundjd. stöberte herum
sb. fumbles (around)jd. tastet umher
sb. lazed (around)jd. faulenzte
sb. lazes (around)jd. faulenzt
sb. lounged (around)jd. faulenzte
sb. lounges (around)jd. faulenzt
sb. skulked aroundjd. schlich herum
sb. skulks aroundjd. schleicht herum
to be around sb.mit jdm. zusammen sein
to bring sb. aroundjdn. wieder zu sich bringen
to drive sb. aroundjdn. herumkutschieren
to follow sb. aroundjdm. hinterherlaufen
to follow sb. aroundjdm. nachfolgen [geh.] [hinterherlaufen, folgen]
to follow sb. aroundjdm. nachlaufen [ugs.] [hinterherlaufen, folgen]
to get sb. aroundjdn. herumkriegen [ugs.]
to get sb. aroundjdn. umstimmen
idiom to kick sb. aroundjdn. herumstoßen [fig.]
to order sb. aroundjdn. rumkommandieren [ugs.]
to push sb. aroundjdn. herumschubsen
to scurry around sb.um jdn. herumwieseln
to spin sb. aroundjdn. herumwirbeln [jdn. schnell umdrehen, z. B. beim Tanzen]
to swarm around sb.jdn. umdrängen
to swarm around sb.jdn. umschwärmen
to take sb. aroundjdn. herumführen
to whirl sb. aroundjdn. herumwirbeln [jdn. schnell umdrehen, z. B. beim Tanzen]
people {pl} around sb.Umwelt {f} [Menschen]
sb. drives around sth.jd. umfährt etw. [weicht aus]
sb. mooched around [coll.]jd. lungerte herum [ugs.]
sb. mooches around [coll.]jd. lungert herum [ugs.]
to boss sb. around [coll.]jdn. gängeln [ugs.]
to boss sb. around [coll.]jdn. herumkommandieren [ugs.]
to buzz around sb./sth.jdn./etw. umschwirren
to dance around sb./sth.jdn./etw. umtanzen
to gather around sb./sth.sich um jdn./etw. scharen
to parade sb./sth. aroundjdn./etw. herumzeigen
to rally around sb./sth.sich um jdn./etw. scharen
to slink around sb./sth.jdn./etw. umschleichen
to stand around sb./sth.jdn./etw. umstehen
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