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English-German translation for: cruelty
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Dictionary English German: cruelty

Translation 1 - 33 of 33

English German
NOUN1   a cruelty | cruelties
NOUN2   cruelty | -
SYNO   cruelty | inhuman treatment | cruelness ... 
Grausamkeit {f}
Unmenschlichkeit {f}
cruelty [e.g. animals]
Quälerei {f} [z. B. Tiere]
crueltygrausame Handlung {f}
crueltyungemeine Härte {f}
2 Words: Others
cruelty-free {adj}tierversuchsfrei
cruelty-free {adj} [product]ohne Tierquälerei hergestellt
with cruelty {adv}auf grausame Weise
2 Words: Nouns
law animal crueltyTiermisshandlung {f} [seltener] [Tierquälerei]
barbarous crueltybarbarische Grausamkeit {f}
mental crueltyseelische Grausamkeit {f}
remorseless crueltygnadenlose Grausamkeit {f}
shocking crueltyentsetzliche Grausamkeit {f}
sickening crueltyabscheuliche Grausamkeit {f}
3 Words: Nouns
act of crueltyGrausamkeit {f} [grausame Tat]
act of crueltygrausame Handlung {f}
act of crueltygrausame Tat {f}
cruelty to animalsTierquälerei {f}
cruelty to childrenGrausamkeit {f} gegen Kinder
cruelty without examplebeispiellose Grausamkeit {f}
FoodInd. cruelty-free meat [coll.] [in-vitro meat]Laborfleisch {n} [ugs.] [In-vitro-Fleisch]
monster of crueltygrausames Ungeheuer {n}
4 Words: Nouns
cruelty to one's parentsGrausamkeit {f} gegen seine Eltern
5+ Words: Verbs
to commit an act of crueltyeine Grausamkeit begehen
5+ Words: Nouns
cruelty to one's fellow citizensGrausamkeit {f} gegen seine Mitbürger
cruelty to one's own wifeGrausamkeit {f} gegen seine Ehefrau
cruelty to prisoners of warGrausamkeit {f} gegen Kriegsgefangene
cruelty to women and childrenGrausamkeit {f} gegen Frauen und Kinder
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children <NSPCC> [Br.]Kinderschutzverein {m}
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals <RSCPA>[britischer Tierschutzverband]
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals <RSPCA> [Br.][Tierschutzvereinigung in GB]
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals <SPCA>[amerikanischer Tierschutzverein]
society for the prevention of cruelty to animals <SPCA>Tierschutzverein {m} <TSV>
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Q 2018-10-02: Kosmetik ohne Tierversuche: "Cruelty-Free symbol"
Q 2016-11-16: Seen these shocking instances of Australian cruelty to animals? Any comments?
Q 2010-08-10: the opposition of feminine grace to cruelty and hate
A 2010-02-22: Äquivalent in UK: NSPCC (National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Ch...
A 2008-04-14: Und "RSPCA" ist auch kein Radiosender, sondern die "Royal Society for the ...

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