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English-German translation for: cruise
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Dictionary English German: cruise

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NOUN   a cruise | cruises
VERB  to cruise | cruised | cruised ... 
SYNO   cruise | sail
automot. to cruise
automot. to cruise [drive along]
naut. to cruise
travel to cruise sth.
etw. bereisen
to cruise [on foot]
to cruise
naut. travel to cruiseeine Kreuzfahrt machen
naut. travel to cruiseeine Seereise machen
automot. aviat. rail to cruisemit Reisegeschwindigkeit fliegen / fahren
automot. travel to cruise [Am.]spazieren fahren [ohne festes Ziel]
naut. travel cruise
Kreuzfahrt {f}
naut. travel cruise
Fahrt {f}
naut. travel cruise
Schiffsreise {f}
naut. travel cruise
Seereise {f}
2 Words: Verbs
idiom to booze-cruise [coll.]auf einer Sauftour sein [ugs.]
to cruise alongentlangfahren
to cruise aroundkarjuckeln [regional] [gemächlich umherfahren]
to cruise around [by car, bike]gondeln [ugs.]
to cruise around [esp. aimlessly]karriolen [ugs.] [regional] [unsinnig umherfahren]
to cruise around [in a car, etc.]herumkurven [ugs.]
to cruise around [in a car, etc.]rumkurven [ugs.] [herumkurven]
2 Words: Nouns
naut. booze cruise [trip to buy cheap or duty-free goods] [Br.]Butterfahrt {f} [ugs.]
booze-cruise [coll.]Sauftour {f} [ugs.]
travel TrVocab. canal cruiseGrachtenrundfahrt {f}
aviat. cruise altitudeReiseflughöhe {f}
aviat. cruise climbReisesteigflug {m}
automot. cruise controlFahrtregler {m}
automot. cruise controlGeschwindigkeitsregelanlage {f} <GRA>
automot. cruise controlTempomat® {m}
aviat. cruise descentReisesinkflug {m}
jobs travel cruise directorKreuzfahrtdirektor {m}
transp. travel cruise disasterKreuzfahrtunglück {n}
econ. naut. travel cruise industryKreuzfahrtbranche {f}
naut. cruise lineKreuzfahrtgesellschaft {f}
naut. cruise lineKreuzfahrtlinie {f}
naut. cruise linerKreuzfahrtschiff {n}
weapons cruise missileMarschflugkörper {m}
weapons cruise missileCruise-Missile {n} [ugs. auch {f}]
weapons cruise missilesMarschflugkörper {pl}
travel cruise operatorKreuzfahrtveranstalter {m}
naut. travel cruise participantKreuzfahrtgast {m}
naut. travel cruise shipKreuzfahrtschiff {n}
cruise speednormale Reisegeschwindigkeit {f}
naut. travel cruise terminalKreuzfahrtterminal {n}
naut. TrVocab. cruise tripKreuzfahrt {f}
naut. TrVocab. cruise vesselAusflugsschiff {n}
naut. travel Danube cruiseDonau-Kreuzfahrt {f}
naut. travel day cruiseTageskreuzfahrt {f}
travel evening cruiseAbendfahrt {f}
naut. travel luxury cruiseLuxusreise {f} [Kreuzfahrt]
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A 2020-11-23: 15:25 typo: cruise lines
Q 2016-11-03: Adaptive cruise ascendancy
A 2013-01-11: P&O = also P&O Cruises .... manager for the cruise-liner ...??
Q 2012-05-18: an "unconvention" cruise
Q 2011-06-17: CitySighsteeing 90-minute Midtown Cruise
A 2011-04-07: take a Rhine river cruise from Köln (Cologne) to Mainz (Mayence)
Q 2011-03-27: Cruise function bei PTZ Steuerung von DVR-Kamera, was ist das wohl in Deut...
A 2010-04-18: If it's about adaptive cruise control, perhaps "...deren Geschwindigkeit v...
A 2010-02-09: cruise companies?
Q 2008-11-11: cruise away
A 2008-09-22: the German cruise shipping industry
A 2007-12-30: Cruise control ist ein Knopf am Armaturenbrett, mit dem der Tachomat aktiv...
Q 2007-12-30: (to hit) Cruise Control
A 2007-10-03: you can't cruise and tear at the same time - he tore around the green hills
A 2006-11-14: ACC = Adaptive Cruise Control ?
A 2006-02-24: high seas shipping company and ocean cruise operator
A 2005-02-25: cruise? ->concerning to fishermen
A 2005-02-25: a cruise?

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