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English-German translation for: cuff
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Dictionary English German: cuff

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NOUN   a cuff | cuffs
VERB   to cuff | cuffed | cuffed | cuffing | cuffs
SYNO   to cuff | to whomp | cuff | turnup ... 
NOUN   der Cuff | die Cuffs
to cuff sb. [slap]
jdn. ohrfeigen
to cuff sb. [slap]
abfotzen [österr.] [ugs.] [ohrfeigen]
to cuff sb. [put handcuffs on]jdm. Handschellen anlegen
to cuff sb. [slap]jdm. einen Klaps geben
cloth. med. cuff
Manschette {f}
cloth. cuff
Aufschlag {m} [Ärmelaufschlag, Hosenaufschlag]
cloth. cuff [sleeve]
Ärmelaufschlag {m}
cloth. cuff [Am.]
Umschlag {m} [an der Hose]
cloth. cuff [small, esp. of a blouse]
Bündchen {n}
Klaps {m} [leichter Schlag]
med. cuff [for testing blood pressure]
Luftmanschette {f}
cloth. cuff [with button fastener]
Ärmelbündchen {pl}
cloth. cuff [on shirts and blouses]
Hemdmanschette {f}
MedTech. cuff [on endotracheal tube]Cuff {m} [beim Endotrachealtubus]
2 Words: Verbs
to flex-cuff sb.jdn. mit Plastikhandfesseln fixieren
2 Words: Nouns
MedTech. arm cuffArmmanschette {f}
cloth. barrel cuffEinfachmanschette {f}
cloth. barrel cuffSportmanschette {f} [Einfachmanschette]
cloth. cocktail cuffneapolitanische Manschette {f}
cloth. cuff buttonsManschettenknöpfe {pl}
cloth. cuff linkManschettenknopf {m}
cloth. cuff linksManschettenknöpfe {pl}
mil. cuff title [German uniform insignia]Ärmelband {n}
cloth. cuff widthManschettenweite {f}
cloth. double cuffUmschlagmanschette {f} [am Hemd]
cloth. double cuff [French cuff]Umlegemanschette {f} [Umschlagsmanschette]
cloth. double cuff [on shirts and blouses]Doppelmanschette {f}
ear cuff [ear clip]Ohrklemme {f}
MedTech. exsanguination cuff [tourniquet bandage]Blutleeremanschette {f}
MedTech. finger cuffFingermanschette {f}
flex-cuffPlastikhandfessel {f}
flex-cuffPlastik-Einwegfessel {f}
cloth. French cuffUmschlagmanschette {f} [am Hemd]
cloth. French cuff [double cuff]französische Manschette {f} [Umschlagsmanschette]
dent. gingival cuffZahnfleischkragen {m}
dent. gingival cuffZahnfleischsaum {m}
med. inflatable cuffaufblasbare Manschette {f}
med. inflatable cuffaufpumpbare Manschette {f}
cloth. knit cuffStrickbündchen {n} [Ärmel]
MedTech. leg cuffBeinmanschette {f}
leg cuffFußschelle {f}
cloth. Neapolitan cuffneapolitanische Manschette {f}
cloth. pants cuff [Am.]Hosenaufschlag {m}
med. plasma cuff [blood flow near the vessel walls]Randstrom {m} [Angiologie]
anat. rotator cuffRotatorenmanschette {f}
anat. rotator cuffMuskel-Sehnen-Kappe {f} [Rotatorenmanschette]
tech. rubber cuffGummimanschette {f}
MedTech. tourniquet (cuff)Blutsperrenmanschette {f} <BSM>
MedTech. tourniquet cuffBlutsperremanschette {f} <BSM>
MedTech. tourniquet cuffBlutsperrmanschette {f} <BSM>
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Q 2018-04-15: pearl studs - cuff links
Q 2012-02-23: Riff cuff on a jacket
A 2011-08-24: I know pretty much nothing about hose, but I would call it a *cuff*
A 2010-11-24: that was off hand / off the cuff
A 2009-10-10: off the cuff: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&client=firefox-a&rls=org.m...
A 2009-10-09: What prompted your decision? would be my off-the-cuff version.
A 2009-09-27: Off the cuff - for "sein" the simple past is the commonly used one.
A 2009-08-19: off-the-cuff version überzeugt und hilft mir meinen Rat zu formulieren
A 2009-08-18: Here is an off-the-cuff version. Your German text frequently states the op...
A 2009-04-09: http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&q=%22sleeve+cuff%22&btnG=Search+Im...
A 2009-04-09: cuff ?
A 2008-04-21: Yes. Or off the cuff.
A 2008-03-05: if "off the wall" is the same thing as "off the cuff", then
A 2007-01-30: off the cuff....
A 2006-11-15: so you don't know it "off-the-cuff" :-))
A 2006-09-11: off the cuff I would say "update"
A 2006-08-09: just a few answers - off the cuff - have to think harder about the rest
A 2006-07-13: off the cuff
A 2006-02-01: just off the cuff
A 2004-11-23: cuff links

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