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English-German translation for: cult
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Dictionary English German: cult

Translation 1 - 50 of 145  >>

English German
NOUN   a cult | cults
SYNO   cult | cultus | religious cult ... 
relig. cult [sect]
Sekte {f}
Kult {m}
Verehrung {f}
relig. cult
Kultus {m}
2 Words: Others
cult-like {adj}sektenähnlich
cult-like {adj}sektenartig
2 Words: Nouns
ethn. ancestor cultAhnenkult {m}
hist. relig. Aphrodite cultAphroditekult {m}
hist. relig. Apollo cultApollonkult {m}
hist. relig. Attis cultAttiskult {m}
hist. relig. Bacchus cultBacchuskult {m}
bibl. relig. bull cultStierkult {m}
hist. lit. Byron cultByronkult {m}
relig. cargo cultCargo-Kult {m}
hist. relig. city cultStadtkult {m}
pol. conspiracy cultVerschwörungskult {m}
relig. crisis cultKrisenkult {m}
lit. cult authorKultautor {m}
lit. cult author [female]Kultautorin {f}
mus. cult bandKultband {f}
lit. publ. cult bookKultbuch {n}
market. cult brandKultmarke {f}
automot. cult carKultauto {n}
automot. cult carKultwagen {m}
cult centre [Br.]Kulturzentrum {n}
archaeo. archi. relig. cult chapelKultkapelle {f}
relig. cult communityKultgemeinde {f}
archaeo. archi. relig. cult complexKultanlage {f}
cult drinkKultgetränk {n}
psych. relig. cult entrapment [state of being entrapped]Sektenwahn {m}
cult factorKultfaktor {m}
cult figureKultfigur {f}
film cult filmKultfilm {m}
cult followingAnhängerschaft {f}
cult following(eingeschworene / treue) Fangemeinde {f}
art relig. cult imageKultbild {n}
relig. cult leaderKultführer {m}
relig. cult legendKultlegende {f}
film cult movie [esp. Am.]Kultfilm {m}
archi. relig. cult nicheKultnische {f}
lit. cult novelKultroman {m}
archaeo. ethn. relig. cult objectKultgegenstand {m}
archaeo. ethn. relig. cult objectKultobjekt {n}
archaeo. ethn. relig. cult objectsKultgegenstände {pl}
relig. cult officialsKultbehörden {pl}
relig. cult participantKultteilnehmer {m}
relig. cult placeKultstätte {f}
hist. relig. cult practiceKultausübung {f}
relig. cult practicesKultpraktiken {pl}
archaeo. archi. hist. cult pyramidKultpyramide {f}
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A 2017-10-17: a true/genuine/real cult shop
Q 2017-08-08: Township Party Committee Anti-cult leadership group
A 2015-05-10: Sect or cult
A 2014-07-19: Cult does mean Sekte here,
Q 2014-07-19: timid cult evangelists?
A 2013-09-15: Perhaps not so much in the U.S., where "Acme" as a company name has cult status.
A 2013-03-24: Ah, Twinkies. Never had one one of those, but they had cult status when I ...
A 2011-03-16: death (cult) worshippers
A 2010-02-15: Hebrew high places cult, cult of the high places
A 2009-05-29: whose cult is reported to have been similar to that of Artemis
A 2009-05-29: whose cult is said to be similar to that of Artemis ?
A 2009-01-25: diff-i-cult is at least a little better ;-)
A 2008-01-11: achieved cult status
A 2008-01-11: has achieved cult status??
A 2007-11-29: cult e.g. http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22cult+band%22&btnG=Sea...
A 2007-11-12: einfach 'cult brand'?
A 2007-10-17: Wenn 'Führungspersönlichkeiten' hier gemeint wird, dann googlet 'cult figu...
A 2006-09-12: The museum plays a meaningful role as regards the country's cult id
A 2006-03-01: cult host
A 2006-03-01: as there are cult movies and so on,

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