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Dictionary English German: cultural

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ADJ   cultural | more cultural | most cultural
SYNO   cultural | ethnic | ethnical
cultural {adj}
cultural {adj}
2 Words: Others
anti-cultural {adj}kulturfeindlich
sociol. counter-cultural {adj}gegenkulturell
cross-cultural {adj}interkulturell
cross-cultural {adj}kulturübergreifend
cross-cultural {adj}multikulturell
cross-cultural {adj} [comparative: studies, etc.]kulturvergleichend [Vergleichsstudien usw.]
econ. cultural economic {adj}kulturökonomisch
art pol. cultural policy {adj} [attr.] [decision, profile, measures, etc.]kulturpolitisch
cultural revolutionary {adj} [attr.]kulturrevolutionär
cultural science {adj} [attr.]kulturwissenschaftlich
cultural-critical {adj} [attr.]kulturkritisch
geo-cultural {adj}geokulturell
historico-cultural {adj}kulturgeschichtlich
historico-cultural {adj}kulturhistorisch
meta-cultural {adj}metakulturell
more cultural {adj}kultureller
most cultural {adj}kulturellste
multi-cultural {adj}multikulturell
pop-cultural {adj}popkulturell
relig. sociol. religio-cultural {adj}religionskulturell
relig. sociol. religio-cultural {adj}religiös-kulturell
socio-cultural {adj}soziokulturell
socio-cultural {adj}gesellschaftlich-kulturell
sociol. socio-cultural {adj}sozial-kulturell
2 Words: Nouns
cultural absolutismkultureller Absolutismus {m}
pol. cultural accordKulturabkommen {n}
cultural achievementKulturleistung {f}
cultural activities {pl}Kulturarbeit {f}
hist. cultural activityKulturtätigkeit {f}
cultural adaptationkulturelle Anpassung {f}
cultural affairs {pl}Kultus {m}
pol. cultural agreementKulturabkommen {n}
jobs pol. cultural ambassadorKulturbotschafter {m}
cultural analysisKulturanalyse {f}
acad. ethn. jobs cultural anthropologistKulturanthropologe {m}
acad. ethn. jobs cultural anthropologist [female]Kulturanthropologin {f}
educ. cultural anthropologyKulturanthropologie {f}
ethn. sociol. cultural appropriationkulturelle Aneignung {f}
ethn. geogr. cultural areaKulturareal {n}
ethn. pol. cultural areaKulturkreis {m} [Kulturraum]
cultural areaKulturraum {m}
ethn. geogr. cultural area [involves geographical mapping of a culture]Kulturkomplex {m}
cultural artifact [Am.]Kulturgut {n}
cultural artifactsKulturgüter {pl}
cultural aspectsKulturaspekte {pl} [kulturelle Aspekte]
cultural assetKulturgut {n} [Einzelstück]
cultural assetsKulturgüter {pl}
cultural assets {pl}Kulturgut {n}
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A 2024-01-13: What cultural touch does VGroup's Bindi Captions add to your content?
Q 2022-01-10: Gibt es einen feinen Unterschied zwischen cultural asset und cultural property?
A 2018-05-12: meaning: the requisite of having been designed with a view to respect for ...
Q 2018-05-12: respect for cultural differences on the part of new tehnologies
A 2018-01-24: politico-cultural discourse
A 2016-08-25: Perhaps: ...cultural characteristics are not suitable for clearly determin...
A 2016-08-25: +nur+ > The thing is, except for language cultural characteristics fail in...
A 2016-08-25: unless it is a critical text, in which they want to focus on how cultural ...
A 2016-08-22: Ich finde "cultural studies" perfekt, danke.
A 2016-08-22: Danke! Ich nehme "cultural studies".
A 2016-08-22: Agree with +cultural studies+
A 2016-02-25: Schwierig, aber für mich ist +Kulturbetrieb+ nicht unbedingt mit +cultural...
A 2016-02-25: Th. M. rubbished cultural activities in Munich / the cultural life of Munich
A 2016-02-21: Local cultural associations??
A 2015-06-30: Cultural / culture
A 2015-04-30: @ romy - yes, I know. Cultural differences include eating habits.
A 2015-04-09: It may be a cultural issue...
A 2015-02-10: maybe: recent cultural heritage
Q 2015-02-02: cultural shift toward “child-centred” parenting
A 2014-09-15: A cultural comment :-)

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cultural affairs committee
cultural agreement
cultural ambassador

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