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English-German translation for: cultures
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Dictionary English German: cultures

Translation 1 - 18 of 18

English German
NOUN   a culture | cultures
VERB  to culture | cultured | cultured
culturing | cultures
Kulturen {pl}
culturesZüchtungen {pl}
2 Words
ancient culturesalte Kulturen {pl}
different culturesunterschiedliche Kulturen {pl}
ethn. indigenous culturesindigene Kulturen {pl}
biol. live culturesLebendkulturen {pl}
biol. mold cultures [Am.]Schimmelpilzkulturen {pl}
biol. mould cultures [Br.]Schimmelpilzkulturen {pl}
preceding culturesVorgängerkulturen {pl}
3 Words
hist. battle of culturesKulturkampf {m}
clash of culturesKampf {m} der Kulturen
educ. English-speaking cultures {pl} <ESC>englische Kulturwissenschaft {f} [Studiengangsbezeichnung]
sociol. mixing of culturesDurchmischung {f} der Kulturen
biochem. plant cell culturespflanzliche Zellkulturen {pl}
war of culturesKrieg {m} der Kulturen
4 Words
brew pure beer-yeast culturesReinkulturen {pl} der Bierhefe
5+ Words
educ. hist. relig. languages and cultures of the Christian OrientSprachen {pl} und Kulturen des Christlichen Orients
philos. theory of the two cultures [Snow]Theorie {f} der zwei Kulturen
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Q 2020-08-24: Celebrating Cultures
A 2016-11-21: Maybe: More than a hundred cultures are currently living in Toronto.
Q 2014-11-26: low-context cultures
A 2014-04-14: native cultures ...
A 2011-03-17: ... respect for other cultures AND about human rights.
Q 2010-05-07: ... and re-expression of ideas across different cultures.
Q 2009-12-11: Cultures
Q 2009-10-23: Verständigung von Kulturen und Menschen = rapprochement of cultures and people?
A 2009-07-07: @Germ: Not to call it clash of cultures, however:
A 2009-06-03: ambitious; became very interested in other cultures; Management;
A 2009-01-16: 4. The American Culture is influenced by a lot of other cultures. They Eur...
A 2008-02-18: "To have a profound understanding of many different cultures."
A 2008-01-28: Human life turns into real suffering, into hell only where two times, two ...
A 2007-07-11: On comparing different cultures,
A 2007-06-24: This leads to the conclusion that no such concept exists in these cultures.
A 2007-06-24: this leads one to conclude/suggests that in these cultures there is no
A 2007-03-01: if them come from different cultures they have different cultural backgrounds
A 2007-03-01: cultures
A 2006-12-15: She was an agent of exchange between the cultures
A 2006-03-27: encounter of corporate governance cultures

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culture studies
culture substrate
culture system
culture technique

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