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English-German translation for: curl of butter
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Dictionary English German: curl of butter

Translation 1 - 50 of 64555  >>

NOUN   a curl of butter | curls of butter
gastr. curl of butterButterflocke {f}
gastr. curl of butterButterlocke {f}
Partial Matches
gastr. butter curlButterröllchen {n}
curl of hairHaarlocke {f}
gastr. chunk of butterKlumpen {m} Butter
gastr. flake of butterButterflöckchen {n}
gastr. flakes of butterButterflöckchen {pl}
agr. market. glut of butterButterschwemme {f}
gastr. knob of butterButterstückchen {n}
gastr. knob of butterStich {m} Butter
gastr. knob of butterStückchen {n} Butter
gastr. knobs of butterButterstückchen {pl}
gastr. lump of butterKlumpen {m} Butter
gastr. pound of butterPfund {n} Butter
comm. price of butterButterpreis {m}
FoodInd. production of butterButterbereitung {f}
agr. comm. surplus of butterButterüberschuss {m}
gastr. (piece of) bread and butterButterbemme {f} [regional]
gastr. (piece of) bread and butterButterschnitte {f} [regional]
gastr. piece of bread and butterButterbrot {n}
gastr. slice of bread and butterBemme {f} [sächs./thüring.] [Butterbrot]
gastr. slice of bread and butterButterbrot {n}
gastr. slice of bread and butterButterschnitte {f} [regional]
gastr. slice of bread and butterStulle {f} [nordd.]
gastr. slices of bread and butterButterbrote {pl}
chem. butter of arsenic [arsenic trichloride] [AsCl3]Arsenbutter {f} [Arsentrichlorid]
gastr. to use a great deal of butterviel Butter verbrauchen
a good half pound of butterein gutes halbes Pfund {n} Butter
chem. butter of antimony [SbCl3] [antimony(III) chloride]Antimonbutter {f} [Antimon(III)-chlorid]
chem. butter of antimony [SbCl3] [antimony(III) chloride]Spießglanzbutter {f} [Antimon(III)-chlorid]
gastr. to spread butter on a slice of breadein Butterbrot streichen [ein Brot mit Butter bestreichen, Butter aufs Brot streichen]
to curl(sichAkk.) locken
sports to curlCurling spielen
to curlkräuseln [Haar etc.]
to curlkringeln
to curlsich einrollen
to curlsich wellen
to curlsich winden
to curlwogen
curlKringel {m}
curlLocke {f}
curlRing {m}
math. curlRotation {f}
curlWindung {f}
sports to curl [football]schlenzen
sports to curl [football]zirkeln
sports to curl [football]zwirbeln
sports curl [exercise]Curl {m}
curl [wood]Flader {f} [bogenförmiger Jahresring in Schnittholz]
to curl upsichAkk. zusammenrollen
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