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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: da drinnen
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Dictionary English German: da drinnen

Translation 1 - 50 of 674  >>

in thereda drinnen
Partial Matches
indoors {adv}drinnen
inside {adv}drinnen
within {adv}drinnen
to be insidedrinnen sein
within the house {adv}drinnen im Haus
automot. indoor car coverAutoschutzhülle {f} für Drinnen
ben {adv} {prep} [Scot.] [within] [e. g. ben the hoose]drinnen [z. B. im Haus]
It's hot in here.Es ist heiß hier drinnen / drin.
to leave sth. insertedetw. drinnen / drin lassen [ugs.] [eingesetzt, eingeführt etc. lassen]
What with ... [sb./sth. doing sth.]Da ...
at that time {adv}da [damals]
there {adv} [location]da [dort]
so {adv} [thus]da [folglich]
here {adv}da [hier]
as {conj} [since]da [weil]
because {conj}da [weil]
being as {adv} [Am.] [coll.]da [weil]
for {conj} [because]da [weil]
since {conj} [because]da [weil]
then {adv}da [zeitlich]
unit deca- {prefix} <da> [10 ^ 1]Deka- <da>
unit deka- {prefix} <da> [Am.] [10 ^ 1]Deka- <da>
unit dalton <Da>Dalton {n} <Da>
QM analysis of data <AOD>Datenanalyse {f} <DA>
electr. unit deciampere <dA>Deziampere {n} <dA>
from that moment (on) {adv}ab da
out thereda draußen
aloft there {adv} [archaic]da droben
across there {adv}da drüben
over there {adv}da drüben
thither {adv} [archaic]da entlang
only then {adv}da erst
thereabouts {adv}da herum
in it / them {adv}da hinein
(over) there in the back {adv}da hinten
since {conj}da ja
up there {adv}da oben
down there {adv}da unten
up there in the front {adv}da vorn
It was only then that ...Erst da ...
thereabout {adv}etwa da
Is ... there?Ist ... da?
away {adv} [absent]nicht da
Nothing doing! [coll.]Nichts da!
Now that ...Nun, da ...
Get out of the way!Platz da!
Move along!Platz da!
Lookit! [child's language] [look at that]Schau da!
Lo and behold!Sieh da!
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Ähnliche Begriffe
Dadds Erdeule
Daddy ohne Plan
Da dem so ist
Dadrauf trinke ich
da draußen
da drin
• da drinnen
da droben
da drüben
Da du Deutsch sprichst
Dadurch dass etw.
Dadurch wird klar dass
Da du so drängst
da entlang
da erst

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