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English-German translation for: damaging
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Dictionary English German: damaging

Translation 1 - 26 of 26

English German
ADJ   damaging | more damaging | most damaging
VERB  to damage | damaged | damaged
damaging | damages
SYNO   damaging | negative | detrimental ... 
damaging {adj}
damaging {adj} {pres-p}
damaging {adj}
damaging {adj} {pres-p}
damaging {adj} {pres-p}
2 Words
ecol. climate-damaging {adj}klimaschädlich
ecologically damaging {adj}umweltschädigend
ecol. environmentally damaging {adj}umweltschädigend
ecol. for. forest-damaging {adj}waldschädigend
med. health-damaging {adj}gesundheitsschädigend
med. health-damaging {adj}gesundheitsschädlich
med. health-damaging {adj}der Gesundheit schadend
damaging effectsschädliche Auswirkungen {pl}
insur. damaging eventSchadenereignis {n}
insur. damaging eventSchadenfall {m}
damaging eventSchadensereignis {n}
damaging evidenceSchadensnachweis {m}
law damaging partyschädigende Partei {f}
3 Words
damaging to health {adj} [postpos.]gesundheitsschädigend
ecol. climate-damaging gasesklimaschädliche Gase {pl}
biol. med. DNA-damaging effectDNA-schädigende Wirkung {f}
4 Words
damaging to one's reputation {adj}rufschädigend
damaging to the public {adj} [postpos.]gemeinschädlich
ecol. law unlawful damaging of treesBaumfrevel {m}
5+ Words
psych. in at least two areas that are potentially self-damagingin mindestens zwei potentiell selbstschädigenden Bereichen
law place where the damaging result occurredErfolgsort {m}
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A 2019-09-10: ... could perhaps be sold to the voters without damaging his/her/their image
A 2019-04-17: +damaging operating conditions+ are op con that cause damage, +to damage o...
Q 2019-04-17: damaging or damage operating conditions
A 2015-10-30: ... on top of this may also affect the damaging party / parties in that it...
A 2013-06-08: should be "stop bar / ground bar" - a bar that stops the load from touchin...
A 2013-01-16: thus ensuring tensioning in each load state without damaging the belt.
A 2008-08-31: In a nut shell: not marketable / nicht verkehrsfähig = can't be divided ea...
A 2008-03-15: ? intentional damaging, intentional destruction
A 2007-05-04: health damaging ingredients/substances

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• damaging
damaging effects
damaging event
damaging evidence
damaging party
damaging to health
damaging to one's reputation
damaging to the public

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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