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English-German translation for: daughter
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Dictionary English German: daughter

Translation 1 - 50 of 124  >>


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NOUN   a daughter | daughters
SYNO   daughter | girl
Tochter {f}
2 Words: Nouns
adopted daughterAdoptivtochter {f}
adopted daughteradoptierte Tochter {f}
adoptive daughterAdoptivtochter {f}
baby daughterTöchterchen {n}
baker's daughterBäckerstochter {f}
bastard daughterKegeltochter {f} [ugs.] [selten]
billionaire's daughterMilliardärstochter {f}
biological daughterleibliche Tochter {f}
birth daughternatürliche Tochter {f}
brother's daughterBruderstochter {f} [veraltet]
brother's daughterBrudertochter {f} [veraltet]
captain's daughterHauptmannstochter {f}
cruel daughterRabentochter {f}
chem. phys. daughter (product)Tochterprodukt {n}
biol. daughter cellTochterzelle {f}
biol. daughter cellsTochterzellen {pl}
biol. daughter centrioleTochtercentriole {f}
biol. daughter centrioleTochterzentriole {f}
biol. daughter chromosomeTochterchromosom {n}
biol. daughter colonyTochterkolonie {f}
comm. econ. daughter companyKonzerntochter {f}
econ. daughter companyTochterunternehmen {n}
med. daughter cystTochterblase {f}
daughter elementFolgeprodukt {n}
biochem. daughter filamentTochterfilament {n}
daughter houseTochterhaus {n}
chem. phys. daughter ionTochterion {n}
chem. daughter isotopeTochterisotop {n}
ling. daughter languageabgeleitete Sprache {f}
chem. phys. daughter nucleusTochterkern {m}
phys. daughter nuclideTochternuklid {n}
daughter ofTochter {f} von
phys. daughter particleTochterteilchen {n}
zool. daughter polypTochterpolyp {m}
ecol. daughter populationTochterpopulation {f}
phys. daughter productZerfallsprodukt {n}
biol. daughter rediaTochterredie {f}
biol. daughter sporocystTochtersporocyste {f}
biol. daughter sporocystTochtersporozyste {f}
biochem. daughter strandTochterstrang {m}
hist. daughter-heir [the inheriting daughter]Erbtochter {f}
daughter's childKind {n} der Tochter
earl's daughterGrafentochter {f}
emperor's daughterKaisertochter {f}
farmer's daughterBauerntochter {f}
farmer's daughter [unmarried daughter of a farmer]Bauernfräulein {n} [veraltend]
favorite daughter [Am.]Lieblingstochter {f}
favourite daughter [Br.]Lieblingstochter {f}
fisherman's daughter [Br.] [sl.] [Cockney.: water]Wasser {n}
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A 2015-12-16: I would like to thank you for accepting my daughter into your family with ...
A 2015-12-16: We want to thank you for having received our daughter in your family with ...
A 2014-12-14: ... daughter, what's wrong with that?
A 2013-09-20: The turning point came when Donna’s husband turned on her daughter.
A 2013-08-16: No, no, you can't "entitle" a son or daughter if you mean "name them."
A 2012-01-24: daughter ion (in Massenspektrometrie)
A 2011-05-31: My would daughter would apparantly say bäbisch or babyleicht,
A 2011-05-22: Your daughter might have picked it up from a TV show.
Q 2011-05-22: My 7 year old daughter just made me laugh
A 2011-03-08: My daughter decided on a large dollar sign.
A 2011-03-07: I think I'll try and persuade my daughter to write swag - then the others ...
A 2011-01-19: It's not something I've come across here, even from the dentist who does m...
Q 2010-12-18: daughter event / parent event
A 2010-12-02: Isn't your daughter about 7 years old?
A 2010-10-25: Tell your daughter to get well soon.
A 2010-10-25: I hope your daughter will get well soon!
Q 2010-10-21: Ronja, the Robber's Daughter
A 2010-10-04: I had a really bad night as my little daughter was constantly awake
A 2010-10-04: I haven't slept well as my baby daughter often wakes up during the night.
A 2010-07-05: Nothing more than that her daughter is a blonde of 1.6m height.

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