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English-German translation for: days
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Dictionary English German: days

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NOUN   a day | days
SYNO   days | years
Tage {pl}
2 Words: Others
for ... days-tägig
for days {adv}tagelang
these days {adv}derzeit [zur Zeit, gegenwärtig]
these days {adv}heutzutage
these days {adv}dieser Tage
these days {adv}zur Zeit [alt] <z. Z., z. Zt.>
these days {adv}in unseren Tagen
these days {adv} [at the present time]zurzeit <zz., zzt.> [gegenwärtig]
2 Words: Nouns
absent daysFehltage {pl} [Arbeitsplatz, Schule]
account daysAbrechnungstage {pl}
additional daysZusatztage {pl}
adventure daysErlebnistage {pl}
anxious daysbeunruhigende Tage {pl}
April daysApriltage {pl}
mil. army days {pl}Militärzeit {f}
army days {pl} [time served in the military]Armeezeit {f}
August daysAugusttage {pl}
autumn daysHerbsttage {pl}
bachelor daysJunggesellentage {pl}
bachelor days {pl} ['days' meaning an extended period]Junggesellenzeit {f}
travel backpacking days [coll.] [fig.]Wanderjahre {pl} [als Rucksacktourist]
naut. banyan days [sl.] [archaic][Tage, an denen kein Fleisch gegessen wurde]
boyish days {pl}Knabenzeit {f}
brighter daysbessere Tage {pl}
business daysArbeitstage {pl}
business daysWerktage {pl}
bygone daysvergangene Tage {pl}
calamitous daysUnglückstage {pl}
carnival days {pl}Faschingszeit {f}
chaotic daysChaostage {pl} [fig.]
clear daysvolle Tage {pl}
college days {pl}Collegezeit {f}
college days {pl}Studienzeit {f}
hist. law court daysGerichtstage {pl}
fin. creditor days {pl}Kreditorenziel {n} [durchschnittliche Lieferantenkreditdauer in Tagen]
days {pl} offTage {pl} frei
days offRuhetage {pl}
days offfreie Tage {pl}
comm. fin. days overdueÜberfälligkeit {f}
comm. days' sight <d/S>Tage {pl} nach Sicht
days' trading {sg}Tagesgeschäfte {pl}
fin. debtor days {pl}Debitorenziel {n} [durchschnittliche Außenstandsdauer in Tagen]
December daysDezembertage {pl}
discount daysDiskonttage {pl}
dog days {pl} [coll.]schlechte Zeiten {pl}
early daysAnfangstage {pl}
early days {pl}Frühzeit {f}
early days {pl}Jugendzeit {f}
pol. election daysWahltage {pl}
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Search time: 0.023 sec

Q 2022-11-06: Remember the days?
A 2022-10-22: they underwent a few days of training on the anti-aircraft gun / on the FLAK
A 2022-06-17: Things have moved on since the days of austerity.
A 2021-03-12: Also see from just a couple a days ago:
Q 2021-03-02: 33 days to morning glory fr. Michael gaitley
A 2020-04-17: I don't think it's correct these days (in BE).
A 2019-05-04: Buttons +noun+ — a pantomime character these days
A 2019-03-20: I'm not 100% convinced, but the +seit+ makes me think it's not that they w...
A 2019-03-10: Noch einmal: https://www.yourquote.in/alege-habeebullah-he40/quotes/days-r...
Q 2019-03-10: https://www.yourquote.in/alege-habeebullah-he40/quotes/days-running-fast-t...
A 2019-01-30: but that was still three days away
A 2019-01-12: BE tends to use the American amounts these days.
A 2018-11-23: Mostly known these days from the verb enthral(l):
A 2018-11-20: Those were the days when a touch of bonhomie made this Forum a pleasant place
A 2018-10-03: @dracs: Those good old days of schoolyard bullying were not that good!
A 2018-10-03: I did not say the good old days
A 2018-10-02: @polarjud. Those "good old days" were a disgrace, unworthy of an adult ent...
Q 2018-10-02: #897853 The old days (2006)
Q 2018-10-02: The old days (2006)
Q 2018-07-03: dict.cc website is very slow since last two days

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