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English-German translation for: death rate
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Dictionary English German: death rate

Translation 1 - 50 of 3348  >>

NOUN   a death rate | death rates
SYNO   death rate | deathrate ... 
SEE ALSO  deathrate
med. stat. death rateLetalitätsrate {f}
death rateSterberate {f}
death rateSterbeziffer {f}
stat. death rateSterblichkeit {f}
stat. death rateSterblichkeitsrate {f}
death rateSterblichkeitsziffer {f}
med. stat. death rateTodesrate {f}
Keywords contained
med. child death rateKindersterblichkeit {f}
med. stat. raw death raterohe Sterberate {f}
acad. stat. all cause death rateGesamtmortalitätsrate {f}
infantile death-rate [child death rate]Kindersterblichkeit {f}
Partial Matches
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
gastr. travel foreign individual traveler rate <FIT rate>FIT-Rate {f}
admin. fin. Federal Funds Rate <Fed Rate>Federal Funds Rate {f} [Leitzins der US-Notenbank]
admin. fin. Federal Funds Rate <Fed Rate>Leitzins {m} der US-Notenbank
to be first-rate / second-rateerste / zweite Garnitur sein
med. five-year survival rate <5-year survival rate>Fünfjahresüberlebensrate {f} <5-Jahres-Überlebensrate>
deathAbgang {m} [Amtsspr.: Todesfall]
deathAbleben {n} [geh.]
deathEnde {n} [geh.] [Tod]
med. deathExitus {m}
deathHingang {m} [geh.]
deathHinschied {m} [schweiz.] [Tod]
deathHintritt {m} [veraltet] [Tod]
deathLebensende {n}
deathSterbefall {m}
deathSterben {n}
deathTod {m}
deathTodesfall {m}
deathTodt {m} [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [Tod]
deathTrauerfall {m}
deathVernichtung {f}
lit. myth. Death [personalised]Freund Hain {m} [Rsv.]
lit. myth. Death [personalised]Freund Hein {m}
at death {adv}beim Tod
beyond death {adv}über den Tod hinaus
death-dealing {adj}tödlich
death-defying {adj}todesverachtend
death-like {adj}totenähnlich
facing death {adv}angesichts des Todes
feigned death {past-p}sich totgestellt
till death {adv}bis in den Tod
until death {adv}bis in den Tod
to cause deathzum Tod führen
idiom to cheat deathdem Tod entkommen
to cheat deathden Tod überlisten
to escape deathdem Tod entrinnen [geh.]
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A 2017-12-08: Comparative statistics — List of countries by firearm-related death rate
A 2016-10-13: The overall long-term death rate is, everywhere and inevitably, 100%.
A 2016-10-13: Death rate

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