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English-German translation for: death-lantern
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Dictionary English German: death lantern

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NOUN   a death lantern | death lanterns
death lanternGrableuchte {f}
archi. death-lantern [also: death lantern] [lantern of the dead] [usu. a column surmounted by a lantern; in a churchyard or cemetery]Totenleuchte {f} [Totenlaterne, auch «Lanterne des morts» als Teil eines Eigennamens in Frankreich]
Partial Matches
jack-o'-lanternJack-O'-Lantern {m} [geschnitzer Kürbiskopf zu Halloween]
Jack O'LanternJack O'Lantern {m} [Kürbisgesicht zu Halloween]
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
lanternLaterne {f}
lanternWindlicht {n}
film F Grindhouse: Death Proof [Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez]Death ProofTodsicher
lantern-jawed {adj}hohlwangig
barn lanternStalllaterne {f}
barn lanternSturmleuchte {f}
brass lanternMessinglaterne {f}
bullglass-lanternBlendlaterne {f}
Chinese lanternLampion {m}
gas lanternGaslaterne {f}
grave lanternGrablampe {f}
grave lanternGrablaterne {f}
grave lanternGrablicht {n}
hurricane lanternSturmlaterne {f}
watches lantern clockLaternenuhr {f}
zool. lantern coelomLaternencoelom {n}
lantern festivalLaternenfest {n}
zool. lantern muscleLaternenmuskel {m}
zool. lantern musculatureLaternenmuskulatur {f}
tech. lantern pinionStockgetriebe {n}
photo. lantern slideDiapositiv {n}
myth. magic lanternWunderlampe {f}
oil lanternÖllaterne {f}
paper lanternPapierlaterne {f}
naut. ship lanternSchiffslaterne {f}
tools signal lanternSignallaterne {f}
sky lanternHimmelslaterne {f}
stable lanternStalllaterne {f}
archi. stone lanternSteinlaterne {f}
archi. stone lanternSteinleuchte {f}
storm lanternSturmlampe {f}
storm lanternSturmlaterne {f}
friar's lanternIrrlicht {n}
Jack O'LanternHalloweenkürbis {m}
lantern procession [Br.]Laternenumzug {m}
photo. magic lanternLaterna Magica {f}
jack-o'-lanternKürbislaterne {f}
bot. T
lantern jaw {sg}eingefallene Wangen {pl}
naut. ship lanternPositionslaterne {f} [eines Schiffs]
naut. ship lanternPositionslicht {n} [eines Schiffs]
bull's eye lanternBlendlaterne {f}
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