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English-German translation for: debate.
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Dictionary English German: debate

Translation 1 - 50 of 171  >>

English German
NOUN1   a debate | debates
NOUN2   debate | -
VERB  to debate | debated | debated ... 
SYNO   debate | disputation | public debate ... 
to debate
to debate sth.
etw.Akk. erörtern
to debate
to debate
to debatemit Worten streiten
to debatesich in der Kunst der Rede üben
to debate sb.mit jdm. debattieren
to debate sth.etw.Akk. in Betracht ziehen [Redewendung]
Debatte {f}
Diskussion {f}
Erörterung {f}
Auseinandersetzung {f}
Aussprache {f} [Debatte]
Wortgefecht {n}
Streitgespräch {n} [Wortstreit]
Rededuell {n}
debateWortstreit {m}
pol. Unverified debate [in a legislative body]Detailberatung {f} [Schweiz]
2 Words: Others
in debate {adv}im Gespräch
2 Words: Verbs
to debate onErörterungen anstellen über
to debate sb. on sth.mit jdm. über etw.Akk. debattieren
2 Words: Nouns
acrimonious debateerbitterte Debatte {f}
agr. pol. agricultural debateAgraraussprache {f} [parlamentarische]
agr. pol. agricultural debateAgrardebatte {f}
fin. pol. budget debateHaushaltsdebatte {f}
fin. pol. budgetary debateHaushaltsdebatte {f}
econ. pol. capitalism debateKapitalismusdebatte {f}
ecol. pol. climate debateKlimadebatte {f}
ecol. meteo. climate debateKlimadiskussion {f}
pol. Commons debateUnterhausdebatte {f}
concluding debateSchlussdebatte {f}
pol. confidence debateDebatte {f} über einen Misstrauensantrag
pol. constitutional debateVerfassungsdebatte {f}
cost debateKostendebatte {f}
critical debatekritische Debatte {f}
criticality debateKritikalitätsdebatte {f}
sociol. cultural debateKulturdebatte {f}
debate cultureDebattenkultur {f}
educ. education debateBildungsdebatte {f}
educ. educational debateBildungsdebatte {f}
pol. election debateWahldebatte {f}
pol. emergency debateDringlichkeitsdebatte {f}
ferocious debateheftige Debatte {f}
final debateSchlussdebatte {f}
pol. fundamental debateGrundsatzdebatte {f}
sociol. gender debateGeschlechterdebatte {f}
pol. general debateGeneraldebatte {f}
heated debateerhitzte Aussprache {f}
heated debatehitzige Debatte {f}
immigration debateZuwanderungsdebatte {f}
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A 2019-04-07: Have a look at the debate
A 2018-12-30: PS: +Cyclists are 15 times more likely than drivers to be killed on UK roa...
A 2016-12-12: But in the classical languages there is / was no such debate. CONSECVTIO T...
Q 2016-08-24: Don't make a quarrel out of a debate
Q 2016-03-24: referral debate
A 2015-12-09: Debate
Q 2014-05-28: conceding the debate to me
A 2013-11-03: Maybe: Debate thesis? Discussion topic? "Thought for the day?"
A 2013-05-16: To have a discussion or debate is fine in English.
A 2013-05-16: ich weiß nicht, aber die Bedeutung "discussion, debate" passt nicht so rec...
A 2013-05-16: Argument here is discussion or debate,
A 2013-03-08: Wasn't going to get into the singular vs plural debate, but "turkey" witho...
Q 2012-12-23: These were some of the questions raised at a recent debate hosted by the G...
A 2012-11-15: It's just an expression used when referring to an excess of scholarly debate.
A 2011-06-16: Your answer was perfect, so I didn't want to add anything to the prepositi...
A 2011-05-06: debate club?
A 2011-04-05: I'm voicing my opinion far too late in this debate, but
Q 2011-03-13: At the debate on monday
A 2011-02-22: The large debate
A 2011-02-22: in-depth analysis / dialogue / debate / discourse

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