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English-German translation for: debtor
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Dictionary English German: debtor

Translation 1 - 63 of 63

English German
NOUN   a debtor | debtors
SYNO   debitor | debtor
Schuldner {m}
acc. debtor
Debitor {m}
Kreditnehmer {m}
Darlehensnehmer {m}
debtor [female]Schuldnerin {f}
2 Words: Nouns
(habitual) debtorSchuldenmacher {m}
(habitual) debtor [female]Schuldenmacherin {f}
absconding debtorflüchtiger Schuldner {m}
account debtorAbnehmer {m}
bad debtorzahlungsunfähiger Schuldner {m}
fin. bill debtorWechselschuldner {m}
bond debtorAnleiheschuldner {m}
fin. law chief debtor [party liable]Hauptschuldner {m}
law claim debtorAnspruchsschuldner {m}
co-debtorMitschuldner {m}
contract debtorVertragsschuldner {m}
acc. debtor accountDebitorenkonto {n}
law debtor companyschuldnerische Gesellschaft {f}
econ. fin. debtor countriesSchuldenländer {pl}
debtor countriesSchuldnerländer {pl}
fin. debtor countrySchuldnerland {n}
fin. debtor days {pl}Debitorenziel {n} [durchschnittliche Außenstandsdauer in Tagen]
fin. debtor nationSchuldnerland {n}
fin. debtor nationSchuldnernation {f}
debtor positionSchuldnerstellung {f}
fin. debtor warrantBesserungsschein {m}
debtor's accountSchuldnerkonto {n}
debtor's delaySchuldnerverzug {m}
hist. debtor's prisonSchuldgefängnis {n}
hist. debtor's prisonSchuldturm {m}
defaulting debtorsäumiger Schuldner {m}
delinquent debtorsäumiger Schuldner {m}
fin. insolvent debtorzahlungsunfähiger Schuldner {m}
joint debtorGesamtschuldner {m}
joint debtorMitschuldner {m}
judgement debtorVollstreckungsschuldner {m}
judgment debtorVollstreckungsschuldner {m}
law maintenance debtorUnterhaltsschuldner {m}
mortgage debtorHypothekenschuldner {m}
non-debtorNichtschuldner {m}
poor debtorarmer Schuldner {m}
principal debtorHauptschuldner {m}
trade debtorWarenschuldner {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to instruct the debtorden Schuldner anweisen
to screw a debtoreinen Schuldner unter Druck setzen
3 Words: Nouns
debtor in arrearssäumiger Schuldner {m}
debtor on mortgageHypothekenschuldner {m}
third-party debtorDritt-Schuldner {m}
4 Words: Others
fin. as the sole debtor {adv}als Alleinschuldner
4 Words: Nouns
attachment of debtor's purseTaschenpfändung {f}
law debtor-in-possession financing <DIP financing>Massedarlehen {n}
law debtor-in-possession financing <DIP financing>Massekredit {m}
disclosure of debtor's assetsOffenbarung {f} des Schuldnervermögens
law joint and several debtorGesamtschuldner {m}
law Unverified joint and several debtorSolidarschuldner {m} [österr.]
questioning of a debtorVernehmung {f} eines Schuldners
5+ Words: Others
offered again by the debtor {adv} [postpos.]erneut vom Schuldner angeboten
5+ Words: Verbs
to allow a debtor time to payeinem Schuldner Zeit zur Zahlung lassen
law to give the debtor a notice of defaultden Schuldner in Verzug setzen
5+ Words: Nouns
law attachment of all assets (of the debtor) [acc. to the German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO)]Kahlpfändung {f} [siehe Kahlpfändungsverbot (§§ 811 ff. ZPO)]
comm. law declaration made by third-party debtorDrittschuldnererklärung {f}
comm. obligation to be performed at the place of the debtorHolschuld {f}
Persuading of the Debtor (position)Wiener Auster {f} [Stellung beim Geschlechtsverkehr]
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A 2013-10-03: enforceable title permitting the creditor to have any objection by the deb...
A 2012-03-26: Note that "bad debt" for "debt you can't or won't pay off" is colloquial u...
A 2011-03-23: declaration made by third-party debtor
A 2008-12-06: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=deBtor+%2B+claim+%2B+su...
A 2008-07-22: pension debtor > Versorgungsschuldner, Versorgungsträger
A 2008-06-20: joint debtor = one of two or more debtors jointly liable for the same debt...
A 2008-05-29: Officially notifies debtor and creditors; 'serves papers', so to speak.
A 2007-12-04: Versuchs mal mit *cumulative debtor*
A 2007-08-29: umgekehrt sollte es sein: Treunehmer = fiduciary debtor ....
A 2007-08-24: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1...
A 2007-08-09: It's the amount of the debtor that's estimated to still be sound
A 2007-05-11: bill debtor
A 2006-10-26: gerade gefunden in Dietl...issue execution against the goods of debtor
A 2005-04-23: debtor-in-possession financing
Q 2005-04-23: debtor-in-possession financing

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