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Dictionary English German: debts

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NOUN   a debt | debts
Schulden {pl}
fin. debts {pl} [collectively]
Verschuldung {f} [Schulden]
2 Words: Verbs
to abate debtsSchulden erlassen
to assume debtsSchulden übernehmen
to cancel debtsSchulden erlassen
to clear debtsSchulden begleichen
to contract debtsSchulden machen
to contract debtsin Schulden geraten
to contract debtssichDat. Schulden aufladen
to honour debts [Br.]Verbindlichkeiten begleichen
fin. to incur debtsSchulden machen
fin. to incur debtssich verschulden
fin. to incur debtsVerpflichtungen eingehen [Schulden machen]
to restructure debtsumschulden
to shift debtsSchulden abwälzen
to square debtsSchulden begleichen
2 Words: Nouns
accrued debtsaufgelaufene Schulden {pl}
accruing debtsnoch entstehende Schulden {pl}
active debtsAußenstände {pl}
fin. bad debtsDubiose {pl}
bad debtsuneinbringliche Außenstände {pl}
bad debtsuneinbringliche Forderungen {pl}
fin. bank debtsBankschulden {pl}
bank debtsVerbindlichkeiten {pl} bei der Bank
betting debtsWettschulden {pl}
bill debtsWechselschulden {pl}
book debtsAußenstände {pl}
business debtsGeschäftsschulden {pl}
fin. commercial debtsBankschulden {pl}
fin. company debtsSchulden {pl} der Firma
corporate debtsFirmenschulden {pl}
debts duefällige Schulden {pl}
econ. pol. domestic debtsInlandsschulden {pl}
doubtful debtsdubiose Außenstände {pl}
acc. fin. doubtful debtszweifelhafte Forderungen {pl}
fin. floating debtslaufende Schuld {f}
fin. foreign debtsAuslandsschulden {pl}
gambling debtsSpielschulden {pl}
gaming debtsSpielschulden {pl}
heavy debtsgroße Schuldenlast {f}
heavy debtshohe Schulden {pl}
incurring debtsSchuldenmachen {n} [formell]
instalment debtsAbzahlungsverpflichtungen {pl}
irrecoverable debtsuneinbringliche Forderungen {pl}
joint debtsgemeinsame Schulden {pl}
fin. junior debtsJunior Debts {pl}
law just debtsrechtmäßige Schulden {pl}
fin. large debtshohe Schulden {pl}
massive debtsenorme Schulden {pl}
municipal debtsGemeindeschulden {pl}
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A 2018-12-21: or: what debts are capable of and what assets entail
Q 2017-03-04: He canceled all debts due to interest bearing loans of grain.
A 2015-03-20: K+N Sp-AG that took the place of the general partner, personally liable fo...
Q 2012-08-28: they substituted rules on the size of debts
A 2012-08-20: Footnote: "depts" is a common misspelling for "debts" in rental adverts.
A 2010-09-17: You left out: Worst off are those children who must work like slaves in bo...
A 2010-05-23: the term "a government in debts" obscures the fact that / is an euphemism ...
A 2010-02-10: arrears / outstanding debts as per 30/01/2010
A 2009-12-12: Context? Could mean "contaminated with toxics" or "encumbered with debts".
A 2009-03-14: debts statements must be as high as possible
A 2009-02-16: claims of outstanding debts collection .. ?!
A 2009-02-16: ...debts...that are registered charges on/against the properties.
A 2008-07-22: Schuldbeitritt > collateral promise / suretyship or cumulative assumption ...
A 2008-07-15: @Rob..gesehen...willst Du denn jetzt meinen Versuch outstanding debts best...
A 2008-07-15: also auf Eng.....outstanding debts
A 2008-01-10: Wertberichtigungen zu Forderungen > allowance made for bad debts
A 2007-12-03: Förderungen > subsidies etc.; Forderungen > debts receivable; +Förderungen...
A 2007-08-02: "Haven't I always paid my debts to you?"
Q 2007-07-02: to liquidate all debts with its main partner
A 2007-06-27: The longer this process/case continues, the higher the debts they incur/

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