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English-German translation for: debut
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Dictionary English German: debut

Translation 1 - 53 of 53

English German
NOUN   a debut | debuts
VERB  to debut | debuted | debuted ... 
SYNO   debut | entry | first appearance ... 
to debut
to debut
comm. to debut [product]neu auf den Markt kommen [Produkt]
to debut sth. [film, programme, product]etw. zum ersten Mal vorstellen
to debut sth. [film, programme, product]etw. zum ersten Mal zeigen
Einstand {m}
Debüt {n}
Antritt {m}
Anfang {m}
Einführung {f} [in die Gesellschaft]
mus. theatre debuterster Auftritt {m}
debuterstes Auftreten {n}
2 Words: Nouns
theatre acting debutSchauspieldebüt {n}
film cinematic debutKinodebüt {n}
sports competitive debut [football]Pflichtspieldebut {n}
mus. debut albumDebütalbum {n}
mus. debut albumErstlingswerk {n} [Schallplatte, CD]
mus. debut CDDebüt-CD {f}
film debut filmDebütfilm {m}
film debut filmErstlingsfilm {m}
film debut filmErstlingswerk {n}
lit. debut novelDebütroman {m}
lit. debut novelErstlingsroman {m}
lit. debut novelErstlingswerk {n} [Roman]
mus. debut singleDebütsingle {f}
comm. debut weekDebütwoche {f}
film directing debutRegiedebüt {n}
film theatre directing debutDebüt {n} als Regisseur
film film debutFilmdebüt {n}
sports full debut [of a player who wasn't substituted]Debüt {n} über die gesamte Spieldauer
mus. operatic debutOperndebut {n}
professional debutProfidebüt {n} [auch: Profi-Debüt]
mus. theatre role debutRollendebüt {n}
sports running debutLaufdebüt {n}
film screen debutFilmdebüt {n}
film screen debutLeinwanddebüt {n}
theatre stage debutBühnendebüt {n}
theatre stage debutTheaterdebüt {n}
RadioTV television debutFernsehdebüt {n}
3 Words: Verbs
to make one's debutdebütieren
to make one's debutsein Debüt feiern
to make one's debutsein Debüt geben
to make one's debutseinen Einstand geben
3 Words: Nouns
a perfect debutein Debüt {n} nach Maß
film debut as directorRegiedebüt {n}
film debut feature (film)Debütfilm {m} [Spielfilm]
film documentary (film) debutDokumentarfilm-Debüt {n}
film feature film debutSpielfilmdebüt {n}
film motion picture debutFilmdebüt {n}
4 Words: Verbs
to give one's debut performanceseine Debütvorstellung geben
to make one's debut as sb./sth.als jd./etw. debütieren
4 Words: Nouns
lit. debut as a novelistRomandebüt {n}
5+ Words: Others
When shall we expect your debut release?Wann können wir mit Ihrem Debutalbum rechnen?
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A 2014-12-13: When the news of her Bollywood debut made rounds in the tinseltown, she ...
A 2010-10-20: Ihr Debüt am Broadway bekam gleich gute Kritiken.
A 2010-08-12: So now I'm curious: what *would* be a good DE word to express a profession...
A 2008-01-29: The year 2008 has its debut ?
A 2005-02-13: Many weaknesses of Oranje in their Euro 88 debut

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