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English-German translation for: decades
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Dictionary English German: decades

Translation 1 - 17 of 17

English German
NOUN   a decade | decades
Jahrzehnte {pl}
Dekaden {pl}
Dezennien {pl} [geh.]
relig. decades [of rosary]
Gesätze {pl}
2 Words
decades of {adj} [attr.]jahrzehntelang
decades-long {adj}jahrzehntelang
decades-long {adj} [attr.]Jahrzehnte dauernd [attr.]
decades-old {adj}jahrzehntealt
for decades {adv}jahrzehntelang
for decades {adv}seit Jahrzehnten
for decades {adv}über Jahrzehnte [jahrzehntelang]
over decades {adv}über Jahrzehnte hinweg
postwar decadesNachkriegsjahrzehnte {pl}
3 Words
in recent decades {adv}in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten
over (the) decades {adv}im Laufe der Jahrzehnte
decades of lifeLebensdekaden {pl}
5+ Words
over the last (few) decades {adv}über die letzten (paar) Jahrzehnte
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A 2022-01-18: The UN even for decades have had a 'Convention on +Illicit Trafficking'+ ...
A 2019-11-01: +bugfoot+ again after decades?!
A 2019-03-02: Variant: +the most influential and+ perhaps / possibly +most significant l...
A 2018-03-09: Decades ago, some English masters automatically struck out +till+ and repl...
A 2017-09-30: 17:17 once more: Having devoted decades to the academic study of these mat...
A 2015-08-28: ein Transi — trannie: great innovation becoming obsolete within a matter o...
A 2015-03-04: Don't try that at home (on your compost heap) - it takes decades
A 2013-10-27: One-eyed: I did not know that goggle boxes can see. But +Big Brother+ may ...
A 2013-10-19: Decades
A 2013-08-26: Decades of accumulated grief
A 2011-10-24: To my decades' way of thinking and using the term ...
A 2011-07-15: Wo denkst du hin? A 1990s book isn't really old, and languages change fund...
A 2011-04-16: the data of which have been used for decades for data maintenance > dessen...
Q 2011-02-24: Text über Süßwarenproduktionszeile (Abgabetermin morgen 16:30 Uhr) - "Leve...
A 2011-01-10: Yes, wandle's got it. My mind was glued to music, which tells you that I h...
A 2010-12-01: typo: for decades I have been ....
Q 2010-09-19: it takes two decades
A 2008-12-21: Ich finde 'trouble-free' gut. 'Function trouble-free for/over decades'
A 2008-12-21: flawlessly ? "for decades"
A 2008-03-09: weighting by decades ?

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