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English-German translation for: deciding
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Dictionary English German: deciding

Translation 1 - 21 of 21

English German
NOUN   deciding | -
VERB  to decide | decided | decided
deciding | decides
SYNO   deciding | decision making ... 
deciding {adj} {pres-p}
deciding {adj}
ausschlaggebend [entscheidend]
deciding {adj}
maßgeblich [Faktor]
Entscheidung {f} [das Entscheiden]
2 Words
mil. war-deciding {adj}kriegsentscheidend
mil. deciding battleEntscheidungsschlacht {f}
deciding bodiesEntscheidungsgremien {pl}
deciding contestentscheidender Wettkampf {m}
deciding factorEntscheidungskriterium {n}
deciding gameEntscheidungsspiel {n}
deciding gameentscheidendes Spiel {n}
sports deciding goal [winning goal]Siegestor {n} [entscheidender Treffer]
sports deciding goal [winning goal]Siegtor {n} [entscheidender Treffer]
sports deciding matchEntscheidungsspiel {n}
deciding reasonausschlaggebender Grund {m}
deciding roundentscheidende Runde {f}
sports deciding set [final set of a game, e. g. in tennis]Entscheidungssatz {m} [letzter entscheidender Spielabschnitt, z. B. beim Tennis]
deciding voteentscheidende Stimme {f}
pol. deciding vote [tie-breaking vote]ausschlaggebende Stimme {f}
4 Words
to be the deciding factorder entscheidende Faktor sein
sports to force a deciding matchein Entscheidungsspiel erzwingen
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A 2015-11-06: The +it+ is the deciding factor - if it weren't there the sentence would h...
A 2014-05-09: Do you mean deciding the objectives are, writing them or their wording?
A 2010-04-09: Deciding to start studying/a degree course is a difficult decision.
A 2010-03-16: +"While that is very useful for deciding policy and rules, it isn't necess...
A 2009-11-23: reasons for companies deciding on selling o'seas.
A 2009-11-23: There are different reasons FOR companies DECIDING TO sell overseas
A 2009-11-23: For companies, there are different reasons *FOR* deciding to sell overseas.
Q 2009-05-23: those doing the looking and eventually deciding will prefer steady growth ...
A 2008-06-18: This instrument will +assist+ you in ... and in deciding +on product impro...
A 2008-04-08: deciding chamber
A 2008-03-06: well, the general situation within the market serves as a starting point f...
A 2008-01-10: 'Three times' isn't the deciding factor here,
A 2007-12-02: Allan, what I found is 'all-deciding', it sounds good to me
A 2005-10-29: What about: Gestaltungsmotivation > action motivation; after all nobody ca...
A 2004-12-06: (deciding) in one's own case = in eigener Sache (entscheiden)
A 2004-09-15: deciding factors ?

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• deciding
deciding battle
deciding bodies
deciding contest
deciding factor
deciding game
deciding goal
deciding match
deciding reason
deciding round
deciding set

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