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English-German translation for: decimal
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Dictionary English German: decimal

Translation 1 - 50 of 97  >>

English German
ADJ   decimal | - | -
NOUN   a decimal | decimals
SYNO   decimal | decimal fraction | denary
math. decimal {adj} [attr.]
math. decimal {adj} [attr.]dekadisch
decimal [decimal digit]
Kommazahl {f} [Dezimalzahl]
math. decimal [to the right of the decimal point]Dezimale {f} [Nachkommastelle]
2 Words: Verbs
to go decimalsich auf das Dezimalsystem umstellen
2 Words: Nouns
binary decimalbinär codierte Dezimalziffer {f}
decimal adjustDezimalanordnung {f}
decimal adjustDezimalkorrektur {f}
decimal alignmentKommaausrichtung {f}
math. decimal arithmeticDezimalrechnung {f}
decimal arithmeticdezimale Arithmetik {f}
decimal balanceDezimalwaage {f}
decimal classificationDezimalklassifikation {f}
decimal codeDezimalcode {m}
decimal coinagedezimales Münzsystem {n}
decimal counterDezimalzähler {m}
decimal currencyDezimalwährung {f}
curr. hist. Decimal day <D-day>[15. Feb. 1971, Tag der Währungsumstellung in GB]
decimal digitDezimalzahl {f}
math. decimal digitDezimalziffer {f}
math. decimal expansionDezimalentwicklung {f}
math. decimal fractionDezimalbruch {m}
engin. tech. decimal head [klöpper head]Klöpperboden {m}
comp. electr. decimal keyKommataste {f}
math. decimal logarithmZehnerlogarithmus {m}
comp. math. decimal markDezimaltrennzeichen {n}
math. decimal markerDezimalzeichen {n}
decimal notationDezimaldarstellung {f}
decimal notationDezimalschreibweise {f}
decimal numberDezimalzahl {f}
math. decimal numberDezimalziffer {f}
decimal numberingDezimalnumerierung {f}
decimal overflowDezimalüberlauf {m}
decimal placeDezimalstelle {f}
decimal placeKommastelle {f}
decimal placeNachkommastelle {f}
decimal placeStelle {f} nach dem Komma [das im Englischen ein Punkt ist]
math. decimal placesDezimalstellen {pl}
math. decimal placesNachkommastellen {pl}
decimal pointDezimalkomma {n}
decimal pointDezimalpunkt {m}
math. decimal pointDezimalzeichen {n} [Dezimalpunkt]
math. med. decimal potency [homeopathy, mathematics]Dezimalpotenz {f} <D-Potenz>
decimal powerZehnerpotenz {f}
decimal representationDezimaldarstellung {f}
decimal scaleDezimalskala {f}
decimal separatorDezimaltrennzeichen {n}
math. decimal systemDezimalsystem {n}
math. decimal systemdekadisches Zahlensystem {n}
unit decimal timeDezimalzeit {f}
» See 23 more translations for decimal within comments
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Q 2024-09-16: numeric decimal
A 2015-04-14: Or: decimal carry
A 2014-03-25: I think it's odd that an English text would use a decimal comma rather tha...
A 2013-04-03: decímal point is comma?
A 2011-06-27: Base 10 is usually known as decimal (base 2 is usually known as binary) -
A 2009-07-03: decimal multiplication table?
A 2009-07-02: arithmetic / doing sums without decimal carry / without addition of number...
A 2009-06-25: Decimal numbers as ordinal numbers sound very strange to me.
A 2009-06-22: The Romans didn't use the decimal system for parts of whole numbers,
A 2009-06-22: Decimal point
A 2009-04-10: And, of course, Allan meant 2.54 cm (!) - moved the decimal point and forgot to
A 2008-12-21: Decimal number is 0, 1, 2, 3,.....in the decimal system. 'Decimals' are 0...
A 2008-12-21: or : decimal *values* in the sense of Dezimal*werte*
A 2008-11-11: rounded to three decimal places
A 2008-10-10: tolerances to second decimal / tolerances in the hundredths
A 2008-05-15: The average grade will be calculated to one decimal place accuracy
A 2008-05-15: Decimal point
A 2008-05-15: decimal point
A 2007-09-11: rounded up to the fifth decimal place
A 2007-08-23: is taken to two/2 decimal places?

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