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English-German translation for: decisions
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Dictionary English German: decisions

Translation 1 - 36 of 36

English German
NOUN   a decision | decisions
Entscheidungen {pl}
Beschlüsse {pl}
Bescheide {pl}
law decisions [legal and otherwise]
Entscheide {pl} [rechtlich und anders]
2 Words: Verbs
to make decisionsBeschlüsse fassen
to make decisionsEntscheidungen treffen
to take decisions [idiom]Entscheidungen treffen
2 Words: Nouns
commission decisionsKommissionsentscheidungen {pl}
hist. relig. conciliar decisionsKonzilsentscheidungen {pl}
design decisionsDesignentscheidungen {pl}
econ. economic decisionsWirtschaftsentscheidungen {pl}
financial decisionsFinanzentscheidungen {pl}
financing decisionsdie Finanzierung betreffende Entscheidungen {pl}
managerial decisionsunternehmerische Entscheidungen {pl}
personnel decisionsPersonalentscheidungen {pl}
structural decisionsStrukturentscheidungen {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
basis for decisionsEntscheidungsgrundlage {f}
difficulty making decisionsEntscheidungsschwäche {f}
med. individual case decisionsEinzelfallentscheidungen {pl}
taking of decisionsBeschlussfassung {f}
taking of decisionsFassung {f} von Beschlüssen
4 Words: Others
able to make decisions {adj}entscheidungsfähig
able to take decisions {adj}entscheidungsfähig
games Internet law All decisions are final. [competitions, bets (standard phrase)]Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.  762 BGB, Spiele und Wetten]
4 Words: Verbs
to take one's own decisionseigenverantwortlich Entscheidungen treffen
4 Words: Nouns
ability to take decisionsEntscheidungsvermögen {n}
competence to make decisionsZuständigkeit {f} für Entscheidungen
cost {sg} of wrong decisionsKosten {pl} von Fehlentscheidungen
decisions based on factsTatsachenentscheide {pl}
law predictability of legal decisionsRechtssicherheit {f}
5+ Words: Others
hist. quote Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided - that was the great mistake of 1848 and 1849 - but by iron and blood.Nicht durch Reden oder Majoritätsbeschlüsse werden die großen Fragen der Zeit entschieden - das ist der große Fehler von 1848 und 1849 gewesen - sondern durch Eisen und Blut. [Otto von Bismarck]
5+ Words: Verbs
to come to one's own decisionsseine eigenen Entscheidungen treffen
5+ Words: Nouns
full power / powers to make decisionsvolle Entscheidungsgewalt {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Deadly Décisions [Kathy Reichs]Lasst Knochen sprechen
film F Grave DecisionsWer früher stirbt, ist länger tot [Marcus H. Rosenmüller]
film F Split Decisions [David Drury]Kid Glove's Last Fight / Sein letzter Kampf
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A 2019-03-05: Mehr Kontext hier: https://www.mpts-uk.org/ These are our latest medical ...
A 2017-09-16: I have NEVER labeled Paul's arguments/decisions ridiculous.
A 2017-09-16: aph-, you label Paul's arguments/decisions "ridiculous"? Interesting.
A 2017-03-28: Decisions
A 2017-02-10: Forum decisions
A 2015-11-04: ... consequently also meet the dishonesty criterion of being apt to cause ...
Q 2015-11-04: Insufficient information shall also justify ... for the instigation of com...
A 2015-05-28: From the classicist: She takes decisions prudently and firmly.
A 2015-01-22: Decisions can be taken in BE.
Q 2013-05-27: and decisions on which have been made
A 2013-04-11: I suppose the trade union sets up rules of how to make (sensible) decision...
A 2013-03-13: Rechtsprechung > case law, court decisions and rulings
A 2012-02-02: to make decisions as the situation requires, on the spur of the moment, at...
A 2011-09-06: Where are the several focal processes to be sited (by separate decisions f...
Q 2011-04-26: immunity from these decisions
Q 2011-03-08: contesting its decisions
A 2011-02-10: gratias tibi....decisions decisions
A 2010-09-09: We implement decisions jointly
A 2010-09-09: Decisions are made, transponed, realized ... together
A 2010-09-09: Decisions made ore transponed together

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