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English-German translation for: declare
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Dictionary English German: declare

Translation 1 - 50 of 166  >>

English German
VERB  to declare | declared | declared ... 
SYNO   to announce | to declare | to adjudge ... 
to declare
erklären [kundtun, bekanntgeben, deklarieren]
to declare
to declare sth.
etw.Akk. bekanntgeben
to declare
to declare sth. [at customs]
etw.Akk. angeben [beim Zoll]
to declare
to declare sth.
etw.Akk. anmelden
comp. to declare sth.
etw.Akk. festlegen
to declare sth.
etw.Akk. darlegen
to declare sth.
etw.Akk. deklarieren
to declare sth.
etw.Akk. aussprechen
to declare sth. [to state explicitly]
etw.Akk. kundtun [Wunsch, Absicht]
to declare sth.
etw.Akk. verkündigen
games to declare [skat]
ansagen [Skat]
to declare sth.
etw.Akk. vereinbaren
fin. stocks to declare sth.
etw.Akk. ausschütten [Dividende]
to declare
to declare sth.
etw.Akk. proklamieren
to declare sth.etw.Akk. förmlich erklären
to declare sth.etw.Akk. offiziell erklären
to declare sth.etw.Akk. zur Verzollung angeben
to declare sth. [express]etw.Dat. Ausdruck verleihen [Hoffnung etc.]
to declare sth. [publicly]etw.Akk. bekannt machen [kundtun]
2 Words: Verbs
mil. pol. to declare armisticeWaffenstillstand erklären
to declare bankruptcyKonkurs anmelden
law to declare bindinglyverpflichtend erklären
to declare goodsWaren deklarieren
comm. to declare goods [to customs]Waren anmelden [zur Verzollung]
to declare neutralityNeutralität erklären
to declare offabsagen
to declare offzurücktreten [absagen]
law to declare oneselfsich erklären
to declare paternitydie Vaterschaft feststellen
to declare peaceFrieden erklären
to declare sb. bankruptjdn. für bankrott erklären
to declare sb. deposedjdn. für abgesetzt erklären
to declare sb. guiltyjdn. für schuldig erklären
to declare sb. incapablejdn. als unfähig bezeichnen
to declare sb. incompetentjdn. als inkompetent bezeichnen
to declare sb. incompetentjdn. für unzurechnungsfähig erklären
to declare sb. insanejdn. für unzurechnungsfähig erklären
psych. to declare sb. insanejdn. für verrückt erklären [ugs.]
to declare sb. kingjdn. zum König proklamieren
fin. law to declare sb./sth. insolventjdn./etw. (für) bankrott erklären
games to declare schneider [skat]Schneider ansagen
to declare solemnlyfeierlich erklären
to declare sth. closedetw.Akk. für geschlossen erklären
biol. ecol. to declare sth. extinctetw.Akk. für ausgestorben erklären
to declare sth. fitetw.Akk. für tauglich erklären
to declare sth. invalidetw.Akk. für ungültig erklären
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A 2017-09-21: But what forces the observer to declare there is heresy in those characte...
Q 2016-05-24: To declare war on sbd/sth
A 2016-03-06: Please declare the loan amount possibly including a loan to be redeemed
Q 2015-04-20: to declare (a bridge hand) ?ausspielen?
A 2013-03-18: it means: they declare to have reached an agreement on ....
A 2012-10-19: Declare is right with customs.
A 2012-03-21: "motor industry" does not fit my context for some reasons I may not declare.
Q 2011-06-09: declare sb as a dependant
A 2011-04-11: declare sb. to be incompetent
Q 2011-01-29: to declare as First Class (academic degree in India)
A 2010-10-06: declare myself utterly confused
Q 2010-09-27: erkaeren - boast, declare, announce which is the most fitting in thi...
A 2010-02-23: I decide to declare that this decision is not immediately enforceable
A 2010-01-07: It seems to refer to players who declare
A 2009-12-05: Ausnahmen sind juristische Texte und dergleichen, wie 'We hereby/herewith ...
Q 2009-08-25: Floskel: "I... do solemnly and sincerely declare..."
A 2009-07-02: we hereby declare our agreement to (noun or gerund) / that
A 2009-06-17: Pierznj, hints like this will rarely happen when you declare your native l...
A 2009-02-23: I declare myself erwischt, danke ddr.
A 2009-01-29: Just idle chat: I'd love to declare just a percentage of my income!

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