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English-German translation for: decreasing
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Dictionary English German: decreasing

Translation 1 - 32 of 32

English German
VERB  to decrease | decreased | decreased
decreasing | decreases
decreasing {adj} {pres-p}
decreasing {adj} {pres-p}
decreasing {adj} {pres-p} [waning]
decreasing {adj} {pres-p}
decreasing {adj} {pres-p} [reducing]
decreasing {adj}
decreasing {adj} {pres-p} [reducing]
decreasing {adj}allmählich abnehmend
2 Words: Others
gradually decreasing {adj}langsam abnehmend
math. monotonically decreasing {adj}monoton fallend
2 Words: Verbs
to begin decreasinganfangen abzunehmen
2 Words: Nouns
decreasing annuityabnehmende Annuität {f}
decreasing demandnachlassende Nachfrage {f}
comm. econ. decreasing demandsinkende Nachfrage {f}
decreasing moonabnehmender Mond {m}
decreasing numberabnehmende Zahl {f}
decreasing orderabsteigende Reihe {f}
decreasing qualitynachlassende Qualität {f}
decreasing rateabnehmender Kurs {m}
decreasing riskabnehmendes Risiko {n}
meteo. decreasing snowfallnachlassender Schneefall {m}
decreasing speednachlassende Geschwindigkeit {f}
decreasing supplynachlassendes Angebot {n}
decreasing temperaturefallende Temperatur {f}
decreasing threatabnehmende Bedrohungslage {f}
decreasing valueWertminderung {f}
decreasing valuenachlassender Wert {m}
decreasing wagessinkende Löhne {pl}
3 Words: Others
math. strictly monotonically decreasing {adj}streng monoton fallend
3 Words: Nouns
med. decreasing the dose [medicine, radiation]Herabdosierung {f} [Medikament, Strahlung]
4 Words: Others
The gap is decreasing.Die Kluft wird kleiner.
5+ Words: Others
... until the luminance is just on the point of decreasing...., bis die Leuchtdichte gerade abzunehmen beginnt.
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A 2010-01-30: no, it means a curved line with a decreasing gradient (y' > 0 and y'' < 0)
Q 2010-01-20: nachlassende Beschwerden - decreasing discomfort ?
A 2008-05-14: rückläufig = decreasing
A 2007-03-25: no, declining or decreasing are both better than falling
A 2007-03-25: presuming a decreasing average age ... in prospect
A 2006-02-18: respectively decreasing (12th day of their life) to only 15%
A 2006-02-18: Jargon; > or decreasing / or in a decreasing ratio
A 2006-01-28: hatred of / for / against - decreasing order of frequency according to Mot...
A 2005-02-08: decreasing social protection
A 2004-03-31: decreasing fan
Q 2004-03-31: decreasing fan

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