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English-German translation for: dedication
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Dictionary English German: dedication

Translation 1 - 33 of 33

English German
NOUN1   a dedication | dedications
NOUN2   dedication | -
SYNO   dedication | inscription | commitment ... 
Engagement {n}
Hingabe {f}
dedication [commitment]
Einsatz {m} [Hingabe]
Widmung {f}
Einweihung {f}
dedication [of a book or other work of art]
Zueignung {f}
relig. dedication
Weihung {f}
Überlassung {f}
Weihe {f}
Dedikation {f} [geh.]
dedicationZugewandtheit {f}
2 Words: Nouns
dedication ceremony [e. g. memorial]Einweihungsfeier {f} [z. B. Gedenkstätte]
dedication copyWidmungsexemplar {n}
archaeo. dedication inscriptionWidmungsinschrift {f}
art hist. dedication miniatureDedikationsbild {n}
biol. dedication nameDedikationsname {m}
biol. dedication nameWidmungsname {m}
print dedication pageWidmungsseite {f}
art dedication pictureDedikationsbild {f}
art dedication pictureWidmungsbild {n}
tireless dedicationunermüdlicher Einsatz {m}
3 Words: Nouns
dedication of youthHingabe {f} der Jugend
dedication to medicineHingabe {f} an den Beruf des Arztes
letter of dedicationWidmungsbrief {m}
relig. prayer of dedicationWeihegebet {n}
hist. youth dedication (ceremony) [in the GDR, but also earlier and later]Jugendweihe {f} [in der DDR, aber auch früher und später]
4 Words: Nouns
book with personal dedicationBuch {n} mit persönlicher Widmung
relig. dedication of a churchKirchenweihe {f} [Weihe einer Kirche]
relig. dedication of a churchKirchweihe {f} [Weihe einer Kirche]
relig. dedication of a churchEinweihung {f} einer Kirche
relig. dedication of the churchKirchweihe {f} [Weihe der Kirche]
5+ Words: Nouns
dedication of a new shrineWeihe {f} eines neuen Schreins
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Dedication [Stephen King]Zueignung
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A 2019-04-30: This has not yet established itself among commonly misinterpreted words; b...
A 2015-12-08: Or,,, (long-standing/ongoing) commitment / dedication to transparency (acc...
Q 2014-01-09: Widmung - Kann ich das so sagen? / Dedication - Style correction, please?
A 2011-10-12: In the Dedication to Don Juan
A 2011-08-05: our dedication ... ?! auch möglich ...
A 2011-06-05: Thank you very much, wandle. - No, this dedication is not related to the s...
A 2009-08-26: @Lisa: It's not the same. A printed book, possibly with a dedication in it,
Q 2009-08-21: dedication to values...
A 2008-04-12: for his contribution/service/efforts/dedication....
A 2007-12-20: thank you for your hard work and dedication...
Q 2007-12-04: dedication to excellence
A 2007-11-05: No worries. I appreciate your dedication and patience ;)
A 2007-10-02: delight and dedication ?
A 2007-10-02: habe schon selbst statt "interest" "dedication" geschrieben.
A 2007-08-21: dedication to sth. ...
A 2007-06-16: commitment / dedication to social issues?
A 2005-01-27: dedication
A 2004-12-19: Characteristic of the dedication

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dedicate sth. to sb./sth.
• dedication
dedication ceremony
dedication copy
dedication inscription
dedication miniature
dedication name
dedication of a church
dedication of a new shrine
dedication of the church
dedication of youth
dedication page

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