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English-German translation for: defeated
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Dictionary English German: defeated

Translation 1 - 25 of 25

English German
ADJ   defeated | more defeated | most defeated
VERB  to defeat | defeated | defeated ... 
SYNO   defeated | discomfited | disappointed ... 
defeated {adj} {past-p}
defeated {adj} {past-p}
defeated {adj} {past-p}
defeated {adj} {past-p}
sb. defeated
jd. besiegte
defeated {adj} {past-p}
sb. defeated
jd. bezwang
defeated {adj} {past-p}
sb. defeated
jd. schlug
2 Words
completely defeated {adj}ganz besiegt
completely defeated {adj}völlig geschlagen
to be defeatedunterliegen
to be defeatedbesiegt werden
defeated armybesiegte Armee {f}
defeated countrybesiegtes Land {n}
defeated manbesiegter Mann {m}
defeated nationbesiegte Nation {f}
law pol. defeated partyunterlegene Partei {f}
defeated personbesiegte Person {f}
3 Words
to be resoundingly defeatedeine vernichtende Niederlage erleiden
4 Words
sb./sth. has / had been defeatedjd./etw. ist / war unterlegen
pol. The motion was defeated.Der Antrag wurde abgelehnt.
Woe to the defeated!Wehe den Besiegten!
defeated and fleeing armybesiegte und flüchtende Armee {f}
5+ Words
pol. to be defeated in an electionbei einer Wahl unterliegen
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Q 2023-04-08: Were those defeated in the US Civil War without any legitimate cause?
A 2013-11-22: sorry, should be"defeated"
A 2012-11-19: they give vivid descriptions of how the disease / illness was defeated / o...
A 2010-11-24: Der Staat hat verloren - "politics are/the state is defeated"
Q 2008-09-09: This is not a force that is defeated as much as suppressed and sharply reduced.
A 2008-07-07: thanks. I did use the IATE site, as ever, but the grammar defeated me.
A 2006-07-05: experience defeats passion / p. defeated by e.

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defeat a deed
defeat all hope
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• defeated
defeated and fleeing army
defeated army
defeated country
defeated man
defeated nation
defeated party
defeated person

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