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English-German translation for: defect
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Dictionary English German: defect

Translation 1 - 50 of 281  >>

English German
NOUN   a defect | defects
VERB  to defect | defected | defected ... 
SYNO   to defect | to desert | defect ... 
mil. pol. to defect [to the enemy]
überlaufen [zum Feind]
to defect [to another party, organization etc.]
wechseln [zu anderer Partei, Organisation etc.]
to defect sb./sth. [obs.]
jdn./etw. beschädigen
to defect sb./sth. [dated]
jdn./etw. verletzen
to defectabtrünnig werden
to defect [abscond]sich absetzen [ugs.] [davonlaufen]
Defekt {m}
Fehler {m} [Mangel]
Mangel {m} [Fehler, Defekt]
Schaden {m}
Gebrechen {n}
med. defect
Störung {f} [z. B. in der Embryonalentwicklung]
Unvollkommenheit {f}
Schwäche {f}
biol. tech. defect
Fehlstelle {f} [fehlerhafte Stelle]
defectSchadensstelle {f}
defectschadhafte Stelle {f}
defect [developmental]Fehlbildung {f}
2 Words: Others
defect-free {adj}defektfrei
defect-free {adj}fehlerfrei
defect-free {adj}mangelfrei
zero-defect {adj}einwandfrei
zero-defect {adj}fehlerfrei
zero-defect {adj}mängelfrei
zero-defect {adj}mangelfrei
2 Words: Verbs
to defect from sth.von etw. abfallen [abtrünnig werden]
2 Words: Nouns
med. acetabular defectAzetabulumdefekt {m}
apparent defectaugenscheinlicher Mangel {m}
apparent defectoffensichtlicher Fehler {m}
apparent defectoffensichtlicher Mangel {m}
material area defectFlächendefekt {m}
tech. area defectFlächenschaden {m}
tech. assembly defectMontagefehler {m}
audio med. auditory defectHörfehler {m}
biol. birth defectGeburtsdefekt {m}
biol. birth defectGeburtsfehler {m}
med. birth defectGeburtsgebrechen {n} [schweiz.]
med. cardiac defectHerzfehler {m}
med. cardiac defect [Vitium cordis]Vitium {n} [Herzvitium]
material casting defectGussfehler {m}
character defectCharakterfehler {m}
chief defectHauptfehler {m}
chief defecthauptsächlicher Mangel {m}
med. chromosomal defectChromosomendefekt {m}
biol. med. chromosome defectChromosomendefekt {m}
biol. med. chromosome defectChromosomenschaden {m}
med. coagulation defectGerinnungsdefekt {m}
med. coagulation defectGerinnungsstörung {f}
chem. textil. color defect [Am.]Farbfehler {m}
med. complement defectKomplementdefekt {m}
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Q 2022-03-13: inherent vice vs. latent defect
A 2017-05-03: If you suspect a defect: Could the carburettor be at fault? Could the c. b...
A 2014-01-24: The congenital heart valve defect, thought to have disappeared, had finall...
A 2013-09-04: the obligation to deliver defect-free goods
A 2011-02-09: What do you want to say in German? Defect is possibly not the right word.
A 2010-08-20: the supplier waives the plea of late notification of defect.
Q 2009-12-23: to be lack of effective positioning; to form application defect
A 2009-07-14: • In addition to the Automatic Defect Classification (ADC) function, opera...
A 2009-07-14: ADC: Deshalb ist ja auch zw. automatic und defect *kein* Bindestrich
A 2009-07-14: But ADC = Automatic Defect Classification
A 2008-08-03: Die Frage nach der richtigen Übersetzung stellt sich zurecht in einem Spra...
A 2008-08-02: A defect of all European languages
A 2008-07-02: Ja, oder: to object to a defect
A 2008-05-19: material defect(s)
A 2008-05-11: Obama makes Clinton's superdelegates defect
A 2008-04-10: und defect levels wäre dann Fehlerhäufigkeit.
Q 2008-04-10: defect levels
A 2008-04-04: to plead a formal defect in the contract
A 2008-02-29: heavy defect
A 2008-02-29: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=%22a+serious+defect%22&btnG=Search&meta=

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