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English-German translation for: definite
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Dictionary English German: definite

Translation 1 - 53 of 53

English German
ADJ   definite | more definite | most definite
ADJ  definit | [selten] definiter | [selten] am definitesten
definiter | definite | definites
definitester | definiteste | definitestes
definite {adj}
bestimmt [genau festgelegt]
definite {adj}
definite {adj}
definite {adj}
definite {adj}
definite {adj}
definite {adj}
definite {adj} [answer, statement, decision etc.]
klar [Antwort, Aussage, Entscheidung etc.]
definite {adj}
definite {adj}
definite {adj}
bindend [Zusage]
definite {adj}
definite {adj}fix [österr.] [definitiv]
definite {adj}fest umrissen
definite {adj}klar abgegrenzt
2 Words: Others
math. negative definite {adj}negativ definit
math. positive definite {adj}positiv definit
2 Words: Verbs
to be definitefeststehen [unveränderlich sein]
2 Words: Nouns
definite advanceentschiedener Fortschritt {m}
definite answerdeutliche Antwort {f}
definite answerpräzise Antwort {f}
ling. definite articlebestimmter Artikel {m}
ling. definite articledefiniter Artikel {m}
definite decisionEndbescheid {m}
definite decisionendgültiger Bescheid {m}
ling. philos. definite descriptionKennzeichnung {f}
definite eventbestimmtes Ereignis {n}
tech. definite eventdefinites Ereignis {n}
definite eventsicher eintretendes Ereignis {n}
definite instructionsklare Anweisungen {pl}
math. definite integralbestimmtes Integral {n}
definite integraldefinites Integral {n}
definite opinioneindeutige Meinung {f}
definite orderbestimmte Ordnung {f}
definite outlineklarer Umriss {m}
definite planklarer Plan {m}
definite planskonkrete Pläne {pl}
definite ruleseindeutige Regeln {pl}
definite rulingmaßgebende Regel {f}
definite shapefeste Gestalt {f}
definite sumbestimmter Betrag {m}
definite sumgenauer Betrag {m}
3 Words: Others
That's (for) definite.Das steht endgültig fest.
3 Words: Verbs
to make it definiteendgültig festlegen
3 Words: Nouns
definite interest clausebestimmte Zinsklausel {f}
4 Words: Others
at a definite time {adv}zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt
It is definite that ...Es steht fest, dass ...
That's not definite yet.Das ist noch nicht spruchreif.
4 Words: Verbs
to assume a definite shapeeine bestimmte Form annehmen
to take a definite standeinen klaren Standpunkt beziehen
4 Words: Nouns
definite understanding to payfeststehende Verpflichtung {f} zur Zahlung
5+ Words: Others
It constitutes a definite understanding.Es begründet eine feststehende Verpflichtung.
5+ Words: Nouns
electr. definite time overcurrent / over-current protectionunabhängiger Überstromzeitschutz {m}
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A 2019-12-20: Russians, it seems to me, tend to omit the definite article as if horrifie...
A 2018-03-30: Yes, +police+ is one we can be definite about :-)
A 2016-05-07: More context is needed to give a definite answer,
A 2015-05-27: thoughtful / considerate and definite (not definitive = endgültig, in letz...
A 2014-05-09: Why get rid of the definite article? For reasons of space?
Q 2014-04-03: German Definite Articles
Q 2014-02-02: With or without definite article?
A 2014-01-23: Perhaps a somewhat definite answer to the first question ...
Q 2013-12-27: definite article needed?
A 2012-12-07: his victory was already certain or definite
Q 2012-11-07: Use of Definite Article
A 2012-09-11: Nouns and substantivized adjectives with the definite or the indefinite article
Q 2012-02-28: Elektrotext, Abkürzung - Relaissymbole, "Definite time over current" unbekannt
A 2011-11-04: There is a definite difference in meaning between the simple past and the ...
A 2011-05-15: Generally no comma - but without the rest of the sentence it's impossible ...
A 2011-04-16: As Bella's examples show, the definite article reflects the gender and number.
A 2011-03-17: @ Proteus - have a look at this explanation re the use of the definite art...
A 2011-03-17: Definite article - LINX
A 2011-02-16: Definite article because it is a certain plantation owner
A 2010-12-31: I can't think of a definite rule,

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