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English-German translation for: degree-day
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Dictionary English German: degree day

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SYNO   commencement day | degree day
meteo. degree-day numbersGradtagszahlen {pl} <GTZ / Gtz> [Kd/a]
Partial Matches
educ. associate degree [Am.]Associate Degree {m} [akademischer Grad, der von verschiedenen Bildungseinrichtungen (Junior-, Community College etc.) nach Abschluss von 2 Jahren verliehen wird]
educ. double degree [esp. Am.]Double-Degree {m}
day-to-day {adj}von einem Tag zum anderen [nachgestellt]
day-to-day {adj} [attr.] [everyday; ordinary]alltäglich [tagtäglich; gewöhnlich]
stat. day-by-day statisticsTagesstatistiken {pl} [für jeden einzelnen Tag]
on a day-to-day basis {adv}Tag für Tag
mil. attack day <a-day> [also: attack-day]Angriffstag {m}
pol. day-to-day politics [treated as sg.]Tagespolitik {f}
on a day-to-day basis {adv}auf Tagesbasis
on a day-to-day basis {adv}von Tag zu Tag
in day-to-day life {adv}im Alltag
on a day-to-day basis {adv}tageweise
day-to-day project expensestägliche Projektaufwendungen {pl}
unit degree centigrade <degree C, °C>Grad {n} Celsius <Grad C, °C> [auch {m}, fachspr. nur {n}]
curr. hist. Decimal day <D-day>[15. Feb. 1971, Tag der Währungsumstellung in GB]
day-to-day businesslaufender Geschäftsverkehr {m}
day-to-day business {sg}Tagesgeschäfte {pl}
day-to-day existencetägliche Existenz {f}
day-to-day lifetägliches Leben {n}
fin. day-to-day loankurzfristiges Darlehen {n}
day-to-day runningtäglicher Ablauf {m}
day-to-day worktägliche Arbeit {f}
day-to-day school lifeSchulalltag {m}
day-to-day accommodationTagesgelder {pl}
day-to-day businessAlltagsgeschäft {n}
day-to-day businessTagesgeschäft {n}
day-to-day lifeAlltag {m}
day-to-day lifeAlltagsleben {n}
day-to-day livingLebensvollzug {m}
day-to-day managementTagesgeschäft {n}
day-to-day moneyTagesgeld {n}
day-to-day needAlltagsbedarf {m}
day-to-day operationsTagesgeschäft {n}
day-to-day situationAlltagssituation {f}
idiom an honest day's pay for an honest day's work(ein) ehrlicher Lohn {m} für ehrliche Arbeit
bot. T
hist. D-Day [6 June 1944: day of the Allied landing in Normandy]D-Day {m}
film F Dog Day [Yves Boisset]Dog DayEin Mann rennt um sein Leben
day-to-day {adj}laufend
day-to-day {adj}täglich
day-to-day {adj}tagtäglich
film F Day X [Jason Hack]Day X – Outbreak of the Zombies
med. Riley-Day-syndrome [familial dysautonomia]Riley-Day-Syndrom {n}
Labor Day [Am.] [federal holiday in the United States; first Monday in September]Labor Day {m} [Tag der Arbeit]
unit degree Fahrenheit <degree F, °F>Grad {m} {n} Fahrenheit <°F>
Day-Day! [coll.]Tschau-Tschau! [ugs.]
econ. E-DayE-Day {m} [Euro-Umstellungsdatum]
film F Independence Day [Roland Emmerich]Independence Day
educ. degreeDiplom {n}
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A 2007-03-24: table of heating degree days

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