| English | German | |
| – |
| delicate {adj} [sensitive] | 3071 empfindlich | |
| delicate {adj} [precarious] | 1697 heikel [Angelegenheit etc.] | |
| delicate {adj} | 1418 zart | |
| delicate {adj} [fragile] | 690 zierlich [von Objekten] | |
| tech. delicate {adj} | 641 störungsanfällig | |
| delicate {adj} [sensitive, subtle, e.g. comment, criticism] | 464 feinfühlig | |
| delicate {adj} [slender, small-boned] | 455 feingliedrig | |
| delicate {adj} [subtle] | 451 fein [zart, dezent] | |
| gastr. delicate {adj} | 438 köstlich | |
| delicate {adj} [exquisite] | 432 erlesen | |
| delicate {adj} [vulnerable, fragile in health] | 431 anfällig | |
| gastr. delicate {adj} | 415 schmackhaft | |
| delicate {adj} [in health] | 402 labil | |
| delicate {adj} [mild, gentle] | 402 gelinde [geh.] [veraltend] [mild] | |
| gastr. delicate {adj} | 394 lecker | |
| delicate {adj} | 384 grazil | |
| delicate {adj} | 383 delikat | |
| delicate {adj} [slight, weedy] | 376 schmächtig | |
| delicate {adj} [frail] | 364 gebrechlich | |
| delicate {adj} [precarious] | 361 schwierig [heikel] | |
| delicate {adj} [squeamish] | 340 wählerisch | |
| delicate {adj} [feeble] | 338 schwächlich | |
| delicate {adj} [softish, weak] | 335 weichlich | |
| delicate {adj} | 330 leicht | |
| delicate {adj} [sensitive in feeling, manner] | 325 zartsinnig | |
| delicate {adj} [having a fine structure or texture] | 118 filigran [feingliedrig] | |
| FoodInd. spec. delicate {adj} [whisky classification] | 8 weich [Geschmacksklassifikation Whisky] | |
2 Words: Others |
| delicate pink {adj} | zartrosa | |
| gastr. extremely delicate {adj} [meat etc.] | butterweich [Fleisch etc.] | |
| gastr. extremely delicate {adj} [meat etc.] | hauchzart [Fleisch etc.] | |
| more delicate {adj} | zierlicher | |
| most delicate {adj} | zierlichste | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| delicate adjustment | Feinabstimmung {f} | |
| delicate child | zartes Kind {n} | |
| delicate colour [Br.] | zarte Farbe {f} | |
| delicate compliment | einfühlsames Kompliment {n} | |
| delicate compliment | zartsinniges Kompliment {n} | |
| delicate constitution | zarte körperliche Verfassung {f} | |
| delicate cycle [washing / laundry machine] | Schonwaschgang {m} | |
| textil. delicate cycle [washing machine] | Feinwaschgang {m} | |
| delicate distinction | feiner Unterschied {m} | |
| delicate distinctions | feine Unterscheidungen {pl} | |
| delicate equilibrium | empfindliches Gleichgewicht {n} | |
| textil. delicate fabrics | empfindliche Stoffe {pl} | |
| cloth. textil. delicate fabrics {pl} [laundry] | Feinwäsche {f} | |
| delicate features | feine Gesichtszüge {pl} | |
| gastr. delicate food {sg} | leckere Speisen {pl} | |
| cloth. delicate garments {pl} | zierliche Kleidung {f} | |
| delicate girl | zartes Mädchen {n} | |
| delicate handling | zarter Umgang {m} | |
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Forum A 2014-04-03: undeutlich (vague), verschwommen (blurred), blass (faint), zart (delicate) A 2013-01-07: "German media censors most delicate news", der Emir von Qatar aber nicht. A 2012-10-18: Oh my delicate sensibilities! Q 2012-05-22: delicate scale A 2011-07-15: Delicate subject: A 2011-07-06: The strongest willpower often lacks the force that comes natural to delica... A 2011-03-22: Bacca does not seem to have cottoned on to the gist of wandle's anecdote -... A 2010-11-09: +Viribus unitis:+ ... delicate man who had leered so indecently over my s... A 2010-06-09: This gives it an incredibly delicate, smooth texture A 2010-04-26: delicate ... A 2010-04-26: on delicate surfaces (?) A 2009-11-05: entweder "on so delicate a mission", oder "on such a delicate mission." A 2009-06-08: You are right, there is the slightest difference in relation to the future... A 2008-11-04: fine-gauge knitwear / delicate knitwear ... ? A 2008-11-04: Gentle, delicate ? Q 2006-12-26: Perhaps slight delicate, but I don't understand it. A 2006-11-17: Agree with Riddle, or else: delicate A 2005-06-02: In deinem Fall vielleicht > posterior and delicate parts ... A 2005-05-02: heikles Thema > delicate subject / issue / topic A 2005-03-30: filigranhaft > delicate(ly); verunklaren = unklar machen > to blur, obscur...
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