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English-German translation for: dentofacial surgery
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dentofacial surgery in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: dentofacial surgery

Translation 1 - 50 of 425  >>

dent. dentofacial surgeryGesichts- und Kieferchirurgie {f}
Partial Matches
dent. dentofacial {adj}dentofazial
dent. dentofacial {adj}Zahn-Gesichts-
dent. dentofacial orthopaedics [Br.] [treated as sg.]dentofaziale Orthopädie {f}
dent. dentofacial orthopedics [Am.] [treated as sg.]dentofaziale Orthopädie {f}
med. laparoendoscopic / laparo-endoscopic single-site surgery <LESS surgery>LESS-Chirurgie {f}
med. hepato-pancreato-biliary surgery <HPB surgery>Leber-, Gallen- und Pankreaschirurgie {f} <HPB-Chirurgie>
MedTech. high-frequency surgery <HF surgery>Hochfrequenzchirurgie {f} <HF-Chirurgie>
med. post-surgery {adj}nach der Operation [nachgestellt]
med. post-surgery {adj}postchirurgisch
med. post-surgery {adj}postoperativ
to undergo surgeryoperiert werden
acad. cosmet. med. aesthetic surgeryästhetische Chirurgie {f}
comp. med. ambulant surgeryambulantes Operieren {n} <AMBO>
med. ambulatory surgeryambulante Operation {f}
med. ambulatory surgeryambulanter Eingriff {m}
acad. med. anophthalmia surgeryAnophthalmuschirurgie {f}
med. arthroscopic surgeryArthroskopie {f} [arthroskopische Chirurgie / Operation]
acad. med. aural surgeryOhrchirurgie {f}
med. bariatric surgeryAdipositaschirurgie {f}
med. bariatric surgerybariatrischer Eingriff {m}
med. bone surgeryKnochenchirurgie {f}
med. bowel surgeryDarmoperation {f}
med. buttonhole surgeryKnopflochchirurgie {f}
med. corneal surgeryHornhautchirurgie {f}
med. corrective surgeryKorrekturoperation {f}
acad. dent. craniomaxillofacial surgerykraniomaxillofaziale Chirurgie {f}
med. curative surgerysanierende Operation {f}
med. cyclodestructive surgeryzyklodestruktive Chirurgie {f}
med. day surgeryambulante Operation {f}
med. day surgeryambulanter Eingriff {m}
dent. dental surgeryzahnärztliche Chirurgie {f}
med. elective surgeryWahlchirurgie {f}
med. emergency surgeryNotfallchirurgie {f}
med. endocrine surgeryendokrine Chirurgie {f}
med. epilepsy surgeryEpilepsiechirurgie {f}
med. flap surgeryLappenchirurgie {f}
med. foot surgeryFußchirurgie {f}
med. gastric surgeryMagenoperation {f}
med. psych. gender surgeryGeschlechtsoperation {f}
acad. med. graft surgeryTransplantationschirurgie {f}
med. hand surgeryHandchirurgie {f}
med. hernia surgeryHernienchirurgie {f}
med. intestinal surgeryOperation {f} am Darm
med. MedTech. keyhole surgerySchlüsselloch-Operation {f} [minimal-invasives Operieren]
med. MedTech. keyhole surgerySchlüssellochchirurgie {f} [ugs.]
med. MedTech. keyhole surgerySchlüssellochoperation {f} [minimal-invasives Operieren]
med. laparoscopic surgerylaparoskopische Chirurgie {f}
acad. med. laryngeal surgeryLarynxchirurgie {f}
med. laser surgeryLaserchirurgie {f}
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