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English-German translation for: depart
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Dictionary English German: depart

Translation 1 - 46 of 46

English German
VERB  to depart | departed | departed ... 
SYNO   to depart | to quit | to take leave ... 
to depart
to depart
to depart
to depart sth. [archaic] [go away from sth., leave sth.]
etw. verlassen [weggehen]
to depart
to depart [from a course, path etc.]
abweichen [vom Weg etc.]
to depart
to depart
to depart
scheiden [weggehen]
to depart
abdampfen [ugs.]
to depart [to die]
entschlafen [geh.] [euph.] [sterben]
mil. to depart
to depart [to die]
dahinscheiden [geh.] [euph.]
to depart
wegreisen [fortreisen]
to depart
to departgehen [weggehen, verlassen]
to departsich entfernen
to departvon dannen ziehen / gehen [geh.]
depart [archaic]
Abreisen {n}
2 Words: Verbs
to depart from sth.von etw. abweichen
to depart from sth.sich von etw.Dat. verabschieden [ugs.] [entfernen]
to depart from sth. [one's course, principles etc.]von etw. abgehen [abweichen]
2 Words: Nouns
tech. depart position [e.g. of robot hand]Abrückposition {f} [z. B. einer Roboterhand]
3 Words: Others
about to depart {adj}abfahrbereit
ready to depart {adj}aufbruchbereit
ready to depart {adj}aufbruchsbereit
3 Words: Verbs
to arrive and departankommen und abfahren
to depart from traditionden festgelegten Rahmen sprengen [fig.]
to depart in hastewegeilen
to depart one's life [dated]verscheiden [geh. für: sterben]
to depart out of sb. [demons etc.]von jdm. weichen [Dämonen etc.]
to depart the countrydas Land verlassen
idiom to depart this life [die, pass away]aus dem Leben scheiden [sterben, verscheiden]
to depart this life [idiom] [die]das Zeitliche segnen [Redewendung] [veraltend] [sterben]
to depart this world [die]diese Welt verlassen [sterben]
4 Words: Verbs
to depart from a planvon einem Plan abweichen
to depart from a standardvon einem Standard abweichen
5+ Words: Others
He is expected to depart soon thereafter.Bald danach sollte er abreisen. [Man erwartet, dass er bald danach abreist.]
He should depart soon therafter.Bald danach sollte er abreisen. [Man erwartet, dass er bald danach abreist.]
He was expected to depart soon thereafter.Bald danach sollte er abreisen. [Man erwartete, dass er bald danach abreisen würde.]
He would depart soon thereafter. [narrative anticipation of his departure]Bald danach sollte er abreisen. [erzählerische Vorwegnahme seiner Abreise]
He would depart soon thereafter. [option]Bald danach würde er abreisen.
bibl. Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised. [Job 1:21; NIV]Ich bin nackt von meiner Mutter Leibe gekommen, nackt werde ich wieder dahinfahren. Der HERR hat's gegeben, der HERR hat's genommen; der Name des HERRN sei gelobt. [Hiob 1,21; Luther]
5+ Words: Verbs
to depart from the beaten track [fig.]die eingefahrenen Gleise verlassen
to depart from the common termsvon den üblichen Bedingungen abweichen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F With peace and joy I departMit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin [J. S. Bach, BWV 125]
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A 2016-04-30: I am unable to act differently and do not depart from how I am able to act
A 2011-05-21: Depart
Q 2011-01-25: deploy and depart
A 2010-08-16: Could also be "lebensbejahend" in that atheism doesn't paint this life as ...
A 2010-02-28: I would surmise though that in spoken BE if you meet someone, talk and depart
A 2010-02-15: Tous les prix indiqués sont départ entrepôt
A 2009-10-28: We depart - we both go together.
Q 2009-10-28: Usage of "to depart"
A 2008-09-18: VC, yes me too with 'way' , method is better. depart from tradition is a t...
A 2008-09-18: depart from rather than leave, maybe loss instead of giving up
Q 2008-09-03: depart
A 2007-11-07: ohne 'depart', 'we move on to pastures new' klingt besser. :-)

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