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English-German translation for: depending
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Dictionary English German: depending

Translation 1 - 38 of 38

English German
VERB  to depend | depended | depended
depending | depends
depending {adj}
depending {adj} {pres-p}
2 Words: Others
depending on {prep}abhängend von [+Dat.]
depending on {prep}je nach
depending on sth. {adj}von etw.Dat. abhängig
depending on sth. {adv}in Abhängigkeit zu etw.Dat.
self-depending {adj}unabhängig
3 Words: Others
depending on / upon sth. {adv}in Abhängigkeit von etw.Dat.
depending on howje nachdem(,) wie
depending on success {adj}erfolgsabhängig
depending on tastenach Geschmack
depending on whetherje nachdem(,) ob
depending on whether ...in Abhängigkeit davon, ob ...
3 Words: Verbs
to be depending on sth.von etw.Dat. abhängig sein
4 Words: Others
depending on a change {adv}in Abhängigkeit von einer Veränderung
weapons depending on ammunition used {adj}munitionsabhängig
fin. depending on credit rating {adj} [postpos.]bonitätsabhängig
depending on good results {adj}erfolgsabhängig
depending on market conditions {adj}konjunkturbedingt
depending on the day {adj} {adv}tagesabhängig
depending on the location {adj}ortsabhängig
depending on the question {adv}je nach Fragestellung
depending on the season {adj} {adv}jahreszeitabhängig
depending on the season {adj}saisonbedingt
depending on the weather {adv}abhängig vom Wetter
5+ Words: Others
depending on how one looks at itje nachdem(,) wie man es nimmt
depending on how you count {adv}je nach Zählweise
depending on the capital marketabhängig vom Kapitalmarkt
fin. depending on the cash situation {adv}(je) nach Kassenlage
transp. depending on the delivery address {adv}abhängig von der Lieferadresse
depending on the design / model / style {adv}je nach Ausführungsform
fin. depending on the financial situation {adv}(je) nach Kassenlage
electr. depending on the power grid of the country concerned {adv}abhängig vom Landesnetz [kurz für: abhängig vom Stromnetz des jeweiligen Landes]
depending on the quantity orderedin Abhängigkeit von der Bestellmenge
depending on the time (of the day) {adv}nach der Uhrzeit [etw. tun: läuten, essen, Pillen nehmen etc.]
depending on the time of the day {adj}tageszeitabhängig
depending on the time of the day {adv}je nach Tageszeit
depending on time of day {adj} [postpos.]tageszeitabhängig
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A 2022-02-28: depending on context: a precarious position of power
A 2020-05-26: I'd say: depending on the accrual basis / period of service-charge(s) acc...
A 2020-04-21: Possibly a grey (the colour of steel) sky, depending on context.
A 2020-04-18: One possibility, depending on context:
A 2019-12-23: many different terms, depending on conditions like quantity, period of time etc.
A 2019-06-19: Expanding on Sasso's suggestion: involving (a) health risk / [depending on...
A 2019-05-16: Of course, depending on the underlying agreement it may also be +weekly re...
A 2018-11-27: could be "emptiness", depending on context
A 2018-11-18: Some suggestions depending on context:
A 2018-03-13: depending on the context
A 2018-02-14: "so war ich" and "dabei habe ich" are about the most common parts of phras...
A 2016-10-27: Cresting +might+ work, depending on context.
A 2016-07-14: I would say tidy up/away, or possibly clear up, depending on the situation.
A 2016-06-26: (Mobile) phone ban - depending on context.
A 2016-05-19: depending on the context
A 2016-04-08: @ geo - yes, would be possible, as you say +depending on the specific context.+
A 2016-03-03: +Text+ may not be the best translation - depending on context, obviously.
A 2016-02-24: These will need reopening, too, depending on the outcome of the entry above.
A 2015-12-27: Possibly boots, depending on style.
A 2015-12-04: The deficiency is the void. or the void is the deficiency, depending on ho...

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