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English-German translation for: deployment
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Dictionary English German: deployment

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NOUN   a deployment | deployments
NOUN   das Deployment | die Deployments
Aufstellung {f}
Entwicklung {f}
mil. deployment
Einsatz {m}
Stationierung {f}
comp. deployment [of software]
Bereitstellung {f} [von Software]
Personaleinsatz {m}
comp. deployment
Verteilung {f}
mil. deployment [of troops e.g.]
Entsendung {f} [von Truppen z. B.]
mil. deployment
Aufmarsch {m}
Aufstellen {n}
Errichten {n}
mil. deployment
Kräfteverteilung {f}
mil. deployment
Dislozierung {f}
comp. deploymentDeployment {n}
deploymentAufmarschieren {n} in Linie
2 Words: Nouns
mil. combat deploymentKampfeinsatz {m}
mil. deployment abroadAuslandseinsatz {m}
mil. deployment areaAufmarschgebiet {n}
mil. deployment areaEinsatzgebiet {n}
mil. deployment bagEinsatztasche {f}
aviat. deployment bag <D-bag, d-bag>Entfaltungssack {m}
QM deployment champion <DC> [Six Sigma]Deployment Champion {m} <DC> [Six Sigma]
deployment diagramBereitstellungsdiagramm {n}
comp. deployment diagram <DD>Verteilungsdiagramm {n} <VD>
comp. deployment environmentBereitstellungsumgebung {f}
deployment locationEinsatzstelle {f}
archi. comp. deployment modelEinsatzmodell {n}
comp. deployment packageBereitstellungspaket {n}
econ. engin. QM deployment phaseEinführungsphase {f}
comp. econ. deployment planningDeploymentplanung {f}
tech. deployment siteEinsatzort {m}
comp. deployment viewEinsatzsicht {f}
deployment zoneAufmarschgebiet {n}
field deploymentFeldeinsatz {m}
mil. naut. fleet deploymentFlottenaufmarsch {m}
mil. naut. fleet deploymentFlotteneinsatz {m}
mil. missile deploymentRaketenstationierung {f}
mil. overseas deploymentAuslandseinsatz {m}
mil. troop deploymentTruppenstationierung {f}
mil. war deploymentKriegseinsatz {m}
mil. wartime deploymentKriegseinsatz {m}
3 Words: Others
mil. for special deployment {adv}zur besonderen Verwendung <zbV, z.b.V., z. b. V.>
3 Words: Nouns
jobs tech. area of deploymentEinsatzbereich {m}
mil. area of deploymentEinsatzraum {m}
jobs country of deployment [for military or civilian personnel]Einsatzland {n} [bei Stationierung / Entsendung]
mil. deployment of dronesDrohneneinsatz {m}
mil. deployment of troopsTruppeneinsatz {m}
QM quality function deployment <QFD>Quality Function Deployment {n} <QFD> [Merkmal-Funktions-Darstellung]
mil. rapid deployment force <RDF>schnelle Eingreiftruppe {f}
Special Deployment Commando <SEK> [Germany]Spezialeinsatzkommando {n} <SEK>
4 Words: Nouns
engin. ind. QM deployment and operational phaseFertigungs-, Betriebs- und Wartungsphase {f}
mil. deployment of chemical weaponsChemiewaffeneinsatz {m}
mil. deployment of ground forcesEntsendung {f} von Bodentruppen
mil. deployment of ground troopsEntsendung {f} von Bodentruppen
mil. deployment of the militaryArmeeeinsatz {m}
mil. probable line of deployment [night attack tactics]wahrscheinliche Ablauflinie {f}
comp. QM Unverified release and deployment management <RDM>Release und Deployment Management {n} <RDM>
5+ Words: Nouns
mil. German Armed Forces Deployment MedalEinsatzmedaille {f} der Bundeswehr
Rapid Deployment Unit Search and RescueSchnelleinsatzeinheit {f} für Bergung im Ausland <SEEBA>
strong deployment of police (force)Großaufgebot {n} der Polizei [Großeinsatz von Polizeikräften]
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A 2021-12-06: Generous width of Parisian boulevards not least occasioned by consideratio...
Q 2020-03-12: Heard of +Operation Varsity: The Last Airborne Deployment of WWII+
A 2017-09-18: regulations governing civil service deployment abroad \ The European Commi...
A 2015-07-18: Fleet deployment
Q 2015-07-18: fleet deployment => Flottenaufmarsch
A 2011-04-19: planning and deployment
A 2010-12-08: ? sample deployment region
A 2010-06-29: In U.S. texts on outside awnings, you see 'deployment' and 'retraction' a ...
A 2010-04-08: Als Zusatz: Rückkehr aus dem Kriegsgebiet > post-deployment [im Jargon].
A 2010-01-20: Cost Deployment
Q 2010-01-20: cost deployment
A 2009-07-28: Focus on Strategy Formulation, Deployment and Refinement
Q 2009-07-28: "Zoom-in: Strategy formulation, deployment and refinement" - as a title?
A 2009-04-08: deployment section
A 2008-11-13: maybe: manpower deployment contract/agreement
Q 2008-01-17: server deployment
A 2007-09-02: Einsatz = deployment (?), Bonus (eigentlich: Zuschlag) = surcharge (?)
A 2007-07-23: military deployment for (potential) fighting or for non-combat tasks
A 2007-07-23: deployment and assignments of armed forces?
A 2007-04-03: mission deployment ?

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